The timeless classic Nine Patch Block is one of the most popular quilting techniques, enjoyed by quilters of all skill levels for many generations. This simple traditional patchwork application is a great choice for beginners and offers endless design potential for quilts, tabletopper and pillows.
Our tutorial today is all about turning a nine-patch block into a cozy pillow.![Nine Patch Pillow - facebook]()
The front of this pillow project features a traditional nine-patch quilt block, while the back has a lapped hook and loop closure for easy laundering. This project is a fantastic introduction to patchwork quilting and can be customized with different colors and fabric patterns to match your decor.
Decorative pillows can accentuate and transform any room in your home. You can find inspiration for a variety of pillows with these free pillow patterns and tutorials.
If you're looking for a beginner-friendly sewing project or something to teach someone to sew, we've got you covered at our free beginner sewing projects page.
Learn how to make this classic, stylish nine patch pillow by watching our video or keep reading this post for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions.
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For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
Keep reading for the free version of this tutorial.
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![Nine Patch Pillow - Finished Pillow]()
WHAT YOU NEED for the patchwork pillow:
- 5/8 yard - Main pillow squares and pillow back fabric
- 1/4 yard - Front accent pillow squares fabric
- 15" piece - 3/4" hook and loop tape
- 18" square pillow form
- Sewing Machine
- Scissor
- Rotary cutters, mat and ruler
- Thread
- Straight Pins
- Iron and ironing board
Need supplies for this project? You will find links at the end of this article.
![Nine Patch Pillow - Supplies]()
INSTRUCTIONS for making the nine patch pillow cover
Select fabrics that complement each other. You can opt for two contrasting cotton fabrics, mix two colors with an accent fabric in the center, or use scraps to make each block a different color.
This pillow project is perfect for using fabric remnants.
STEP 2: CUT FABRIC for nine-patch pillow
For precise cutting, we recommend all cutting be done using a rotary cutter, see-though ruler and cutting mat. If these quilting tools aren't available, measuring tape and scissors will work. ![Nine Patch Pillow - Cut Fabric Blocks]()
A nine-patch can be configured in different ways, but you'll always need nine 7" squares for the 18" square pillow form. The following are the cutting instructions:
Basic Nine Patch with Two Colors
5 squares (7" each) from the main fabric
4 squares (7" each) from accent fabric
Panel Centered Nine Patch
1 square (7") from a cute panel or accent fabric
4 squares (7" each) from main fabric
4 squares (7" each) from accent fabric
Stash Buster Nine Patch
9 squares (7" each) from different fabrics
Machine Embroidered Nine Patch
We also have a nine patch pillow with machine embroidered blocks. If you'd like to make this pillow, click the link for information on cutting and machine embroidering the blocks. Then, return to this tutorial to finish the pillow.![Machine Embroidered Nine Patch Pillow On Couch]()
To create the patchwork front, you'll arrange the squares into a 3 x 3 grid according to your design preference.
On a work surface, begin by arranging the squares as you wish them to appear on the front of the pillow.![Nine Patch Pillow - Arrange Blocks]()
For the first row, pin a main color square to one accent square (the middle square) with the right sides together, aligning all the raw edges, pin in place and sew with a 1/2" seam allowance. NOTE: As you are sewing, remember to remove the pins.![Nine Patch Pillow - Sew Blocks]()
You now have two pieces connected. Next, add a third square to this row by pinning and sewing it to the other side of the middle square. The first row is complete.
Repeat the above process to make an identical row. After completing the second strip row, set these two strip sets aside. These two strip set rows will be the top and bottom rows of the nine-patch pillow.
For the third and middle row, join the remaining squares with the main fabric or cute panel in the center.
If you are making a stash-buster patchwork top, just sew fabric together as desired in three rows of three.
STEP 4: PRESS the seams open
On the wrong side of the fabric, press the seam allowances flat before you press the seams open. Pressing the seams flat sets the stitches in place. This is called setting the stitches.![Nine Patch Pillow - Press Blocks]()
Arrange the three rows as they will appear on the front of the pillow.![Nine Patch Pillow - Pin Rows]()
Place the top row and middle row right sides together, pin the two pieces together, aligning raw edges and seams and sew with a 1/2" seam allowance.![Nine Patch Pillow - Sew Rows]()
Place and pin the bottom row to the opposite side of the middle row, align the seams and stitch. After sewing, set the seams and then press them open.
Flip the pillow top over and iron the front. The pillow front is completed.
These instructions will show you how to make a lapped pillow back with a hook-and-loop closure (Velcro closure). If you'd prefer an envelope closure, visit our tutorial on How to Sew an Easy Envelope Pillow Cover.
To make the pillow back, cut the following pieces: two rectangles measuring 12" x 19" from the main fabric and one piece of hook-and-loop tape 15" long.![Nine Patch Pillow - Back Supplies]()
With one of the 12" x 19" pieces, press under one long side 2" with an iron forming a crisp crease. Then, unfold and turn the cut edge in, aligning the raw edge with the crease of the fold. Press the outer fold. ![Nine Patch Pillow - Back Closure]()
Unfold the piece and turn it over with the right side facing up. Center the hook side of the hook and loop tape on the right side of the fabric between the two creases, secure the tape in place using pins or an easy way to secure it is to use a fabric glue stick.![Nine Patch Pillow - Sew Back Closure]()
At the sewing machine, edgestitch around the tape. Begin by stitching one long side, when getting to the end of the tape, stop with your needle down, pivot the fabric, stitch the short end, needle down, pivot, stitch the long side, needle down and stitch the short end. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end.
Now, refold the hem along the pressed folds, pin and
stitch just inside the inner fold, backstitching at the beginning and end.
Repeat the folding process with the second 12" x 19" piece.
Pin the hem and stitch just inside the inner fold. ![Nine Patch Pillow - Sew Edge]()
Place the fabric on the table with the right side facing up.
Center the loop side of the hook and loop tape, between the fold and the stitching line, secure with pins or glue and
edgestitch around the tape.
STEP 9: assemble the NINE PATCH PILLOW
Align the two pillow backs, overlapping them to seal the hook and loop tape.
Place the pillow back right side up on a flat surface. ![Nine Patch Pillow - Pin Back Pieces Together]()
Lay the pillow top right side down over the back. The back and front of the pillow will be right sides together. Pin around the edges to hold them together.
Go to the sewing machine and sew all the way around the outside of the pillow using a 1/2" seam allowance.
Begin sewing along one side, not at the corner. For crisp corners, once the pillow is turned right side out, place a pencil mark 1/2" from the corner, when you approach this mark stop, with the needle down pivot diagonally and sew one or two stitches diagonally, needle down, pivot and sew the next side. Repeat this process at each corner.
![Nine Patch Pillow - Wrong Side Back Piece]()
After stitching all the way around, reinforce the closure tape section by stitching it again.
With a scissor, trim the corners diagonally to reduce the fabric bulk.
To prevent the seams from fraying, zigzag stitch around the entire pillow.
After zigzagging, turn the pillow right side out through the back opening. Gently push out the corners from the inside. A point-turner is a helpful tool to help poke out the corners of the pillow.
STEP 10: Insert the Pillow Form
Insert the pillow form through the back opening, ensuring the corners are filled out. ![Nine Patch Pillow - Finished Pillow]()
The nine patch pillow is now complete and ready to add a touch of homemade charm to your home! ![Nine Patch Pillow - Finished Pillow]()
I hope you enjoyed this free pillow pattern tutorial and feel inspired to create more pillows for your home.
Happy Sewing!
If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our
Etsy Shop listing for How to Sew a Classic Simple Nine Patch Pillow #ad.
For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
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