
Easy DIY Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bag (Free Sewing Pattern)

Learn how to make a reversible fabric trick-or-treat bag in less than an hour with our free pattern instructions.

Trick-or-treating time is just around the corner, and it is time for costumes, candy, and fun! Does your kid have a special Halloween trick-or-treating bag? This reversible candy tote bag is perfect for Trick-or-Treating and can be made in less than an hour.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag - Facebook

Make a perfect size trick-or-treat bag that your child will love and that will last for many years.

Just go to your favorite fabric store and allow your child to choose two colorful Halloween fabrics. Then, follow this simple tutorial and the free pattern instructions to sew a quick and easy lined Halloween bag in a few hours.

Your child will be delighted to use the bag to carry all their sweet treats. Since the tote bag is reversible, it makes it even more fun to use year after year.

Do you want some fun Halloween crafts, such as a Halloween fabric wreath, garland, placemats, or other projects? Our Halloween fabric crafts and DIY kids' craft pages have lots of free Halloween project ideas.

Watch this video and continue reading this post for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions on making a DIY Halloween tote bag.

PRINTABLE PDF TUTORIAL - If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our Etsy Shop listing for Easy DIY Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bag ( Sewing Pattern) #ad. For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
Keep reading for the free version of this tutorial.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview with no audio, to watch the whole video tutorial, click the link Easy DIY Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bag (Free Sewing Pattern) to watch in Youtube.

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Skill Level: Great Beginner Sewing Project
Finished Bag Size (without handles): 12" wide x 13 1/2" long.


  • 1/2 yard Main Fabric and Straps
  • 1/2 yard Lining Fabric 
  • Scissor
  • Rotary Cutter/Mat/ Ruler (optional)
  • Sewing Machine
  • Basic Sewing Supplies

Note: If you would like to make the straps in a different color, you will need 1/4 yard of fabric.

Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag

DIY Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial


To make the Halloween bag, cut the following pieces:

  • Main Fabric - 13" x 28"
  • Lining Fabric - 13" x 28"
  • Strap Fabric - 2 pieces 3" x 18" Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Cut Fabric


To make the first strap, fold the strap fabric in half lengthwise with the right sides together.  Then, with the sewing machine straight stitch, sew along the long side using a 1/4" seam allowance.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Sew Straps

Turn the strap right side out. An easy way to do this is to use a Dritz Quick Turn. If you don't have one, use your favorite method. 

However, if you would like to purchase a Dritz Quick Turn, we have a link at the end of the article.  And, if you don't know how to use a Dritz Fabric Turner we have a quick tutorial on How to use the Dritz Fabric Turner.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Turn Straps

After turning, with an iron, press the strap with the seam on the side. 
To finish the strap, sew a row of stitches on both sides close to the fold. This is called edge stitching. If you are unsure how to edgestitch, watch our Edgestitch Tutorial. Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Edge Stitch StrapsRepeat the process for the second strap.


With the main fabric (outside fabric), fold the fabric in half with the right sides together (wrong sides out).   Throughout this tutorial, you will use a 1/2 inch seam allowance unless otherwise told to use something different. 

Using the sewing machine straight stitch, sew the first side seam beginning at the top of the bag. Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Sew Bag Body

Repeat by stitching the other side seam, again starting at the top. Clip the corners on a diagonal.  Then, with an iron, press the seams open and flat.


Sew the lining fabric like the main fabric by folding the fabric in half with the right sides together; starting at the top, stitch the first side seam. As you approach the corner STOP stitching 3" from the corner to leave an unstitched gap. This opening will be used to turn the reversible trick-or-treat bag right side out.

Now sew the entire length of the other side seam from the top edge to the bottom edge of the bag lining.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Sew Searm Clip the corners and iron the seams open and flat. The lining piece is complete.


The handles will be placed 2 1/2" from the side seams. Begin by turning the main fabric (outer fabric) right side out. Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Place Straps
Then, pin the raw edge of one handle piece to the top of the main fabric 2 1/2" from the side seam.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Place Straps Pinned
Without twisting, pin the other raw edge of the strap to the top of the main fabric 2 1/2" from the other side seam. 

Repeat this process by placing the second handle on the other side of the bag.


To join the outer and lining pieces, slip the main fabric inside the lining fabric, right sides together.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Place Bag In Lining
Match the side seams of the main and lining fabrics. Pin the lining to the main body fabric, aligning the raw edges all the way around the top. Then, stitch all the way around the top edge using a 1/2" seam, removing the pins as you sew.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Sew Top
With your hand, reach into the hole along the side seam of the lining and pull the main fabric out through this opening. To close the opening in the lining, fold the raw edges to the inside and stitch close to the edge.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Sew Hole Closed Push the lining inside the main bag body, matching the side seams. With an iron set on the cotton setting, press the top edge of the bag.

To hold the outer and lining fabrics in place, top stitch all the way around the top of the bag close to the edge. If you don't know how to topstitch, watch our Top Stitch video tutorial.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Top Stitch Edge

The bag is completed. This easy and quick trick-or-treat bag can be whipped up in the evening.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag Tutorial - Finished Bag

The lined, sturdy trick-or-treat bag is ready for kids to fill with all those Halloween treats.Fabric Trick-or-Treat Bag

Enjoy your trick-or-treat bag. Here is plenty of room for tons of candy and trick-or-treat goodies!

Below is our Trick-or-Treat Tote Bag, which has orange cat faces on the outside and black ghosts on the inside.Trick-or-Treat Tote Bag Tutorial - Finished with Cats outside

Below the photo is the same bag with the black ghosts turned to the outside.  So, the bag is perfectly reversible!Trick-or-Treat Tote Bag Tutorial - Finished with Black Ghosts outside

Happy Sewing and Halloweening! 

 Annette's Signature 

PRINTABLE PDF TUTORIAL - If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our Etsy Shop listing for Easy DIY Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bag ( Sewing Pattern) #ad. For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

Some Other Fun Halloween Crafts TUTORIALS

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Dritz Quick Turn Fabric Tube Turner

Dritz Quick Turn Fabric Tube Turner #ad

Turn tubes with ease with this set of turners. This is another tool Annette likes because it makes turning fabric tubes right side our easy, fast and convenient. Affiliate Link to Amazon

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Sewing Scissors

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DIY Trick-or-Treat Bag pin

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Halloween Trick Or Treat Tote Bag Tutorial Black Ghosts - pin

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