It's that time of the year again!
Time to think about back to school! On hot sweltering days or when kids say, "I'm bored", keep them busy for an afternoon by teaching them how to sew a back-to-school zippered pencil case.
Our zipper pencil case tutorial is simple to make with only a few supplies - fabric, zipper and basic sewing supplies. And of course, new pencils, markers, etc.
A slim, stylish zipper pouch that holds countless pens, highlighters, pencils, gel pens, sketch pens, glue sticks, crayons is a must for school. By changing the fabric chose, use this zipper pouch for tissues, snacks, coins, lip balm, etc.
Using this easy free pattern, kids will have fun creating a unique, personalized pencil case that they will be happy to carry around. Let them browse through your fabric stash to pick out fabric or go to a fabric store and let them choose a cheery, colorful fabric.
Watch this video tutorial and keep reading this post for written step-by-step instructions below to learn how to sew up a simple and quick zipper pencil case. No pattern is required.
This tutorial teaches you how to install a zipper (it's easy) and how to sew up the case and then fill their handmade case with back-to-school supplies. Adults love these pencil cases too.
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how to sew a pencil case
Learn how to sew a super cute pencil case with this tutorial This tutorial teaches you how to install a zipper (it's easy) and how to sew up the case and then fill their handmade case with back-to-school supplies. Adults love these pencil cases too.
WHAT YOU NEED to make a pencil case:
Fabric - 10" x 10"
12" zipper
Sewing Machine
![Zippered Pencil Bag]()
INSTRUCTIONS for sewing a zippered pencil case
To make the pencil case, choose a fabric that has some stability which as denim, broadcloth, home decorator or duck cloth.
For the zipper pencil case, cut a 10-inch square fabric piece.
Place fabric on the work surface right side up. Position the zipper on the fabric with the zipper face down, along one raw edge of the fabric. The zipper is longer than the fabric which is fine. It should extend past the fabric equally on both sides. Pin it in a few spots to hold it in place.
Attach a zipper foot to the sewing machine sew the zipper in place by stitching close to the zipper teeth, backstitching at the beginning and end
Fold the fabric over so the right side of the zipper is facing up and pull the fabric away from the zipper. Topstitch close to the fold.
Sew another row of stitches about ¼ inch away from the previous stitching. This helps to hold the zipper in place.
Repeat the above by sewing zipper to the other side – align zipper on raw edge, stitch close to the zipper teeth, open zipper, pull the fabric away from the zipper, topstitch, stitch the second row of stitches ¼ inch away.
Zip the zipper closed.
If you are cutting off your zipper, check out our tutorials, How to Shorten a Zipper by Hand Sewing or How to Shorten a Zipper by Machine. for instructions on stitching new zipper stops.
With the right sides together, fold the fabric so the edge of the zipper tape is along the top fold of the zipper case. Press.
At the sewing machine, attach a standard presser foot.
On the non-zipper pull side, stitch the side seam using a 3/8 inch seam allowance. When you get to the zipper teeth go stitch slowly over them.
Cut off the excess zipper even with the side and zigzag the seam to keep it from fraying. NOTE: Do not use your fabric scissor to cut the zipper. If you do, you can dull the scissor blades.
Unzip the zipper at least halfway. This is a very important step because if you don't unzip the zipper you will not be able to turn the pencil case right side out.
Line up the zipper and pin zipper tape on both sides to keep it in place.
Using a 3/8 inch seam, sew the side closed, cut the excess zipper and zigzag edge.
Clip the corners of the pencil case on a diagonal close to the stitching.
Turn the pencil case right side out.
Push corners out and iron flat. ![Zippered Pencil Bag]()
The handy dandy zipper pencil case is finished.
![Zippered Pencil Bag]()
Back of Pencil Case
This is another pencil case made with Pencils Fabric. This is a super cute pencil case and great for kids in Elementary school!
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
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