Winding a bobbin is an essential skill for any sewing enthusiast. A properly wound sewing machine bobbin ensures smooth and even stitching in sewing projects.
Most sewers have experienced the headache of a poorly threaded bobbin, which can cause poor sewing performance and make the project look less than professional.
Bobbin winding is essentially the same or at least very similar for most sewing machines. This makes it easy for most sewers to thread a bobbin on their machines with a little practice.
There are two different ways to begin winding. Both types are successful and result in a properly wound bobbin. The first way is to wrap the thread tail around the bobbin before winding. In the second option, the thread tail is put through a hole in the bobbin. Which way to you prefer?![How to Thread a Bobbin fb]()
Watch our video or read this detailed tutorial to learn more about winding a bobbin on a Bernina Activa sewing machine.
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WHAT YOU NEED to thread a Bernina activa bobbin
- Bernina Activa sewing machine
- Thread
- Empty bobbin
- Scissors
![Thread a Bobbin Bobbin Case and Bobbins]()
Two ways to thread a bobbin
Technique #1: Wrap Thread Around Bobbin
STEP 1: thread the machine to fill the bobbin
A: Place the spool of thread on the spool pin.
At the top of your machine, place the spool of thread on the spool pin with thread coming off the spool from the back to the front of the machine. Place the thread cap onto the spool pin over the spool of the thread.![Thread a Bobbin 1 Spool Cap]()
B: Pull the thread through the rear thread guide.
Pull the thread to the left of the spool of the thread on the top of the machine. The thread is placed on the grove and between the opening in the rear thread guide.![Thread a Bobbin 2 Rear Thread Guide]()
C: Wrap thread around the bobbin pre-tension.
There is a round pre-tension disc in front of the rear thread guide. Wrap the thread around this tension disk in the direction of the arrow to set the bobbin tension.![Thread a Bobbin 3 Bobbin Pre tension]()
Make one complete circle around the pre-tension disc in the direction of the arrow.![Thread a Bobbin 4 Wrap Around Pre tension]()
step 2: wind thread several times around the bobbin
After the machine has been threaded in preparation for winding the bobbin, place the bobbin on the bobbin winder and wrap the thread several times around the bobbin in the direction of the arrow.![Thread a Bobbin 5 Bobbin on Winder]()
Be sure to wrap it several times.![Thread a Bobbin 6 Wrap Thread Around]()
step 3: press the toggle
Once the thread is wrapped, press the gray toggle towards the bobbin.![Thread a Bobbin 7 Toggle Switch]()
step 4: cut the thread
Use the thread cutter on the back of the toggle to cut the tail.![Thread a Bobbin 8 Cut Thread]()
step 5: fill the bobbin
Press the foot pedal to fill the bobbin.![Thread a Bobbin 11 Bobbin Filling]()
Step 6: Hold the thread coming from the spool
It is important to wind the bobbin tightly. One way to ensure this is to gently hold the thread coming from the spool, letting it lightly slip through the fingers of the right hand. This provides some tension to avoid a loosely threaded bobbin.![Thread a Bobbin 10 Steady Thread]()
The toggle on/off switch automatically turns off when the bobbin is full.![Thread a Bobbin 12 Switch Turns Off When Full]()
Step 7: Cut the thread
Cut the thread and remove the bobbin from the bobbin winder.
The bobbin is now filled and ready to be placed in the Bernina Activa's bobbin case. See below after technique #2 for bobbin case threading instructions.
Technique #2: Thread through a Bobbin Hole
STEP 1: Check the sewing machine manual for the threading machine
The machine will need to be threaded before threading the bobbin. It will not usually be threaded the same way it is threaded for sewing. Consult the sewing machine manual to determine how to thread the sewing machine to begin threading the bobbin.
Be sure the machine is properly threaded to begin.
Follow the directions in step 1 above to properly thread the machine before threading the bobbin.
It is also important to be sure the bobbin is the correct type of bobbin for the machine.
step 2: place the thread through one of the bobbin holes
There are holes on the top and bottom of the bobbin. Take the thread from the spool and place it through one of the holes.
This will be the top of the bobbin.
Step 3: Place the bobbin on the machine
With the thread coming through one of the bobbin holes, place the bobbin on the bobbin winder spindle with the threaded side up. Hold the thread firmly.![Thread a Bobbin 26 Hold Thread Tail]()
Step 4: push the Toggle
Push the gray toggle towards the bobbin. Once engaged, the machine will simply wind the bobbin without the needle moving up and down.![Thread a Bobbin 27 Start Winding]()
Step 5: wrap and cut thread
While holding the thread coming from the bobbin hole, use the foot pedal to begin filling the bobbin. After it has been wound a few times, use the scissors to cut the thread tail at the top of the bobbin.![Thread a Bobbin 28 Cut off tail]()
Step 6: fill the bobbin
The bobbin must be wound tightly. So, to ensure this, gently hold the thread coming from the spool between two fingers to keep it from wobbling.
Continue pressing the foot pedal. Once it is full, remove the bobbin from the bobbin winder and cut the thread. The bobbin is now ready to be put in the bobbin case.
instructions for Threading the machine with a front loading bobbin
Step 1: Prepare to load the bobbin into the bobbin case
The Bernina Activa has a front-loading bobbin system. In order to prepare the bobbin to be placed in the bobbin case, hold the bobbin with the left hand so it resembles a number 9 with the thread end off to the right.![Thread a Bobbin 14 Hold Bobbin Figure 9]()
Step 2: Place the bobbin in the bobbin holder
Drop the bobbin with the thread coming off to the right into the metal case.![Thread a Bobbin 15 Drop Into Case]()
Be sure the thread is coming off to the right of the bobbin.![Thread a Bobbin 16 In Case]()
Take the thread tail and hook it into the slot on the bobbin case.![Thread a Bobbin 17 Thread End Through Case]()
Pull the thread through the slot counter-clockwise and to the left under the spring.![Thread a Bobbin 18 Thread to Left]()
Hold the latch of the bobbin case with the finger pointing upwards.![Thread a Bobbin 19 Hold With Handle]()
Insert it into the machine.![Thread a Bobbin 20 Place In Machine]()
Keep holding the latch until it's inserted.![Thread a Bobbin 21 Keep Holding Handle til its in place]()
Press the bobbin case into the machine until a click is heard.![Thread a Bobbin 22 push in til click]()
Cut the thread tail with the thread cutter.![Thread a Bobbin 23 Cut Thread]()
The bobbin is in place and ready to sew. It is not necessary to pull the bobbin thread to the top.![Thread a Bobbin 24 Bobbin In Place]()
Close the door to the bobbin area, and you are set to go!
I hope you enjoyed learning how to thread and wind a bobbin on a Bernina Activa sewing machine.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
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