One of the things crafters love to make is wreaths of all types, not just a Christmas wreath for the holiday season. Unfortunately, there is not always an easy way to hang a wreath on the front door.
After experimenting with different ways to hang wreaths, this method was born. This tutorial shows how to create door wreath hangers that take little time, and the best part is that they take very few materials.![Door Wreath Hanger - fb]()
A perfect wreath hanger can be made using a simple wire clothes hanger to showcase the hard work the crafter has put into their project. Most people have extras of these wire hangers left over from the cleaners.
If you don't have a wire hanger readily available, check with the nearest dry cleaner!
Watch our video to learn more about a simple way to make a wreath door hanger, or continue reading this detailed post.
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WHAT YOU NEED to make a door hanger for a wreath
- Hanging sleeve
- Wire coat hanger
- Pliers with a wire cutter
- Duct tape
- Safety Pins
![Door Wreath Hanger_0 Quick Hanger]()
INSTRUCTIONS for making a door wreath hanger
STEP 1: Decide to use a sleeve or not
The wreath often has directions for making a sleeve on the back of the wreath to pass a door hanger through for hanging. However, sometimes, this is not the case. If the wreath doesn't have one, one can be added using our tutorial, How to Add a Hanging Sleeve. You could also attach this door wreath hanger with safety pins to your wreath.![Door Wreath Hanger_1 Back]()
This tutorial shows how to use the door hanger with a sleeve.
Step 2: cut and Bend the hanger
Most likely, the hanger will be too large for the wreath. In this case, the hanger will need to be cut.
Hold the hanger hook at the center of your wreath and decide where the bends need to be made to make it the correct size.![Door Wreath Hanger_2 Wire Hanger]()
Cut the hanger on the long bottom wire towards one end or the other, not in the middle.
If the hanger is cut in the middle, it will not be as strong to hold the weight of the wreath, and the cut wires need to be to the side of the sleeve to connect them.![Door Wreath Hanger_3 Cut Hanger]()
Bend the hanger so it curves inside the wreath dimensions without sticking out on the sides. Keep the hanger in the center of the wreath when doing so.![Door Wreath Hanger_4 Check Size]()
The bend should be tight so the hanger is short.![Door Wreath Hanger_6 Side Bent]()
Bend the other side of the hanger.![Door Wreath Hanger_5 Bend to Size]()
Step 3: cut off the extra wire
Once the wire has been bent and the curves sharp, there will be leftover hanger material. Using the wire cutters, cut the ends of the hanger, being sure to leave enough to overlap the two free ends.![Door Wreath Hanger_8 Trim Wire]()
step 4: duct tape the ends together
Slide the long end of the wreath holder into the sleeve.
Using duct tape, wrap it around the space where the two wire ends overlap.
Be sure to cover the ends of the wires so they do not tear or rip the fabric, as they will be sharp.![Door Wreath Hanger_10 Wrap Opening with Tape]()
Step 5: add safety pins to the wreath hanger
To prevent the wire hanger from bending due to the weight of your wreath, place a safety pin on each side of the top of the hanger and attach it to the wreath.![Door Wreath Hanger_11 Add Safety Pin]()
That's all there is to it! The wreath is ready to hang the perfect way and will look great on the door!![Door Wreath Hanger_Finished]()
I hope you enjoyed this simple tutorial on making a door wreath hanger. Try it out on your next wreath!
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Other wreath ideas