
Learn how to Embroider the Chevron Stitch (Hand Embroidery Stitch)

There are so many wonderful embroidery stitches that can be used to make delightful embroidery work.

What is the chevron stitch?

The chevron stitch is a decorative stitch that is worked along two parallel lines in fabric such as Aida cloth. This stitch makes a nice border edge on an embroidery piece.Hand Embroidery Chevron Stitch Tutorial - fb

When can you use the chevron stitch?

  • As a border edge stitch
  • Seam treatment on crazy quilts
  • Couching a ribbon
  • Decorative stitch in smocking
  • Use as filler stitch in embroidery designs

Learn how to embroider the chevron stitch by watching our video or keep reading this post for a step-by-step written photo tutorial.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview with no audio, to watch the whole video tutorial, click the link Learn how to Embroider the Chevron Stitch (Hand Embroidery Stitch) to watch in Youtube.

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How to you do the chevron stitch

WHAT YOU NEED to embroider the chevron stitch

  • Aida cloth or some other cloth with parallel lines
  • Embroidery hoop
  • Embroidery floss
  • Embroidery needle

Chevron Stitch_1.1.1

INSTRUCTIONS to make the chevron stitch

STEP 1: make the first horizontal stitch

If necessary, review the basics of embroidery. Begin by bringing the threaded needle up from the back of the fabric. If using two strands of floss, consider using the Loop Method for Anchoring Floss to begin your floss neatly.Chevron Stitch_1.1.2

Next, take the needle a little bit to the right and go down towards the back,Chevron Stitch_1.1.4

bringing the needle up half way between the stitch which is between the two holes where the needle came up and then down.Chevron Stitch_1.1.6

step 2: make the first diagonal stitch

Next, slip the needle down towards the back on the top parallel line a little bit to the right of the end of the bottom horizontal stitch.Chevron Stitch_1.1.8

Bring the needle up from the back of the fabric a little to the left of where the needle went down.Chevron Stitch_1.1.9

step 3: make the short horizontal stitch at the top of the chevron stitch

Pull the embroidery floss firmly, beginning to form the top of the chevron stitch.Chevron Stitch_1.1.10

Push the needle down from the front of the fabric to the back, a short distance to the right.Chevron Stitch_1.1.13

Now come back up to the front in the middle of the stitch that was just made.  The top horizontal line will be complete.Chevron Stitch_1.1.17

step 4: Make the second diagonal stitch in the chevron stitch

The diagonal line will be made directly across from the bottom of the first portion of the chevron stitch.  Push the needle down at an angle that is the opposite of the first diagonal stitch.Chevron Stitch_1.1.14

Come up to the top of the fabric a few spaces to the left. Then push the needle down a few spaces to the right of where the diagonal stitch came down. Go up between the stitches.

The bottom horizontal line should be complete. For the next stitch, go back up diagonally to the top and repeat the process as in step 2.  Repeat these steps to make the second chevron stitch.Chevron Stitch_1.1.16

Continue doing these steps until a row of chevron stitches has been made.Chevron Stitch_1.1.20

Look at that lovely decorative chevron stitch!

End the floss using the no-knot method to keep the back of your project neat.

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make the chevron stitch in embroidery. Now you are ready to create a beautiful border on your next piece of embroidery or cross-stitch!
Annette's Signature 


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

Other embroidery stitches

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Embroidery Hoops

Embroidery Hoops #ad

Here are a lot of different embroidery hoop choices. Affiliate Link to

Embroidery Thread (Floss)

Embroidery Thread (Floss) #ad

Purchase embroidery floss here. Lots of choices and colors. Affiliate Link to Amazon

Gold Eye Embroidery Needles

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Pack of 16. Manufacturer: Clover Affiliate Link to

Sewing Scissors

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A huge selection of sewing scissors are available at Affiliate Link to

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