Any seasoned stitcher will emphasize the importance of making the back of an embroidery project as neat as the front when working on it.
Everyone who works on embroidery projects should know how to tie off embroidery thread.
The first rule is never to use a knot! This tutorial will show how to end a stitch without making the back of the embroidery or cross-stitch work look messy.
This method of ending floss works for both cross stitch and needlepoint. ![How to Tie Off Embroidery Floss for Cross Stitch or Needlepoint]()
Learn more about cross stitch ending thread by watching our video or keep reading this post.
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WHAT YOU NEED to tie off embroidery floss
- An embroidery or cross-stitch piece
- Embroidery floss
- Embroidery needle
- Embroidery hoop
- Scissors
INSTRUCTIONS to end an embroidery stitch
STEP 1: Begin working on the project
Place the embroidery or cross-stitch project inside of the embroidery hoop. Begin stitching, being sure to start without using a knot, as is instructed on our beginning embroidery tutorial.
Stitch until it is time to end the floss.![Cross Stitch End 1 Floss Stitches]()
step 2: thread back through the stitches
Turn to the back of the project, and taking the embroidery needle with the floss still on, run the needle under the last several embroidery stitches that were made.![Cross Stitch End 2 Floss Back of Work]()
Five to seven stitches is a good number to thread the needle under.![Cross Stitch End 3 Floss Needle under stitches]()
Gently pull the floss through the stitches until the floss is pulled through to the end.![Cross Stitch End 5 Floss Thread Under Stitches]()
step 3: clip the embroidery floss
Where the embroidery floss comes out of the ending stitches on the back, simply clip the floss with a pair of sharp scissors.![Cross Stitch End 6 Floss Trim]()
And there it is! The embroidery project looks neat and tidy on the back!
I hope you enjoyed learning how to tie off embroidery floss. This is an easy way to keep the project looking nice without messy knots.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
other embroidery tips and tricks
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