
Accuquilt Go! Strip Dies can cut Strips, Squares and Diamonds

The Accuquilt Go! strip cutting dies are the most versatile die and can be used to cut strips, squares, and triangles.  The fabric strips are cut fast, easy, and accurately every single time!

Most of the Accuquilt Go! fabric cutting system dies can be used to cut one single shape.  The fabric strip cutting dies come in various widths and can be used to cut multiple shapes.  These dies can cut:

  • Strips for borders
  • Strips for bindings
  • Squares 
  • Diamonds for tumbling blocks and lone star

In this video and photo tutorial, we show you how to cut strips, squares, and diamonds with the strip-cutting die.

What is the Most Versatile Accquilt Die?

Keep reading this post for a photo tutorial on using the fabric strip cutters or click the link below to watch our YouTube video.  The video shown below is a short version of our full video available on YouTube.

If you are interested in learning more about the Accuquilt Go! fabric cutting system, check out our post, Accuquilt Go! Fabric Cutter Review & Demo with Pros & Cons.  In this post, you will see a demonstration of this fabric cutter and learn why we are loving it!

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview with no audio, to watch the whole video tutorial, click the link Accuquilt Go! Strip Dies can cut Strips, Squares and Diamonds to watch in Youtube.

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Thank you in advance for your support! 

Now on with what you are here for...

ABOUT the Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter dies

The strip cutters can be used to cut bindings, borders, squares, and even diamonds.  Strip cutters were the first dies that I purchased for my cutter. 

They are more versatile than the other dies since you can cut long strips and then sub-cut them into squares or diamonds.Accuquilt Go Cutter Strip Cutter

The 2-1/2" strip (2" finished size) die shown above will cut 3 strips at once.  By folding the fabric over, three width-of-fabric strips can be cut with one pass through the cutter.  This die is perfect for cutting bindings and borders.  

Once the strips are cut, the strips can be laid across the die in the other direction and fan-folded.  Cutting them this way will cut 2-1/2" blocks (2" finished size blocks).  

I will have future tutorials on using the different dies so subscribe to our YouTube channel and our newsletter so you will be informed of our new releases.

If you have a Go! Me or Go! Baby cutter, there are two strip cutter dies that will work with your machine.  Find the links to these specific dies at the end of this article.

Before purchasing any dies, be sure they will work with the cutter you own.

Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Die Instructions

I have four strip cutting dies in the sizes of 1.5", 2.5", 5", 6.5" finished sizes.  The 2.5" die is perfect for cutting quilt bindings.  The 5" die can cut perfect charm square sized blocks.  The others can be used to cut strips, squares and diamonds 1.5" or 6" sizes.

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters

Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Die Markings

Below is a close-up photo of the markings included on each die.  These markings are used to cut various diamond shapes.  The 60-degree mark is used to cut strips into diamonds for the tumbling block.  The 45-degree mark will cut diamonds to use in a lone star quilt.

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Closeup of Die markings

Preparing the fabric 

The strip cutter dies are used in a similar fashion to the other dies and can be used to cut up to six layers of quilters cotton in one pass through the cutter.

Some of the dies can cut two, three, or even four strips at once! 

In order to send the fabric through the cutter, you will need to rough cut a section off of the yardage using a rotary cutter and mat.  The width of the fabric will depend on how many strips being cut and the width of the die strips.

The 2.5" strip cutter will be used in the examples below.  The 2.5" strip cutter can cut 1, 2, or 3 strips at once.

If you are cutting one 2.5" strip, then cut your fabric using your rotary cutter and mat to be roughly 3" wide.  This will give you a little wiggle room when laying the fabric on the cutter.

To cut three strips at once, cut off an 8" section from your yardage.  2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + .5 = 8" 

Place the fabric on the Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Die

Take the fabric and lay it across the die with the selvage along the short end. Fanfold the fabric back and forth across the die lining up the long edges.

See the video (link above) for details on folding the fabric.  

Place the cutting mat over the fabric before sending it through the cutter.  The photo below shows the fabric on the strip die and the cutting mat covering it.

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Fabric Ready To Go Through Cutter

Send the die through the Accuquilt Go! cutter.  The photo below was taken as the die was going through the cutter.

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Fabric Going Through Cutter

Slide the cutting mat off the top of the strips and you will have your cut strips as shown below.

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Strips Cut

The strips are ready to be used as bindings or borders.  They can also be subcut into squares or diamonds.

Use the Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Die to subcut  the strips into squares

To cut squares from the strips, fanfold the strips across the die along the 90-degree line printed at one end of the die.  Multiple strips can be placed on the die at once as shown below.

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Folding to Sub Cut Into Squares

Once the strips are placed on the die, cover them with the cutting mat and send them through the cutter.  The cutter will quickly cut many squares!

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Squares Cut

Use the Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Die to sub-cut  the strips into Diamonds

There are three other lines (30-degree, 45-degree, and 60-degree) on each strip cutter die to be used to cut various diamond shapes. 

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Sub cut into Diamonds 45 degree

Fanfold and place the strip along the 45-degree line to cut out diamonds for use in a tumbling block.Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Tumbling Block Diamonds

Place and fanfold the fabric along the 60-degree line to cut diamonds to be used in the lone star quilt blocks.Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Sub cut into Diamonds 60 degree

Always cover the fabric with the cutting mat before sending it through the cutter.  Below are the cut 60-degree diamonds.Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Lone Star Quilt Diamonds

Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter DIES are versatile!

As you can see, four different shapes can be cut with one strip cutter die.  The Accuquilt Go! Strip cutter is 90% faster than using a rotary cutter and mat and 100% accurate with every cut!

Accuquilt Go Strip Cutters Strips Diamonds and Squres

If you are interested in purchasing the Accuquilt Go! System or strip dies, please look below for our links to purchase.  We will always have the current sales links and Accuquilt coupon codes available below, so be sure to use our links and coupon codes to get your discounts!


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

Below is our demonstration of the Accuquilt Go! system and some other Accuquilt tutorials.

Double Four Patch Quilt Block with Accuquilt Go

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 Accuquilt -- ARROW SALE & Specials!

Accuquilt -- ARROW SALE & Specials! #ad

- $200 Off Arrow Gidget II Sewing Table. Now $199!
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 Accuquilt: June Tailor Quilt-As-You-Go Kit

Accuquilt: June Tailor Quilt-As-You-Go Kit #ad

June Tailor Northwoods Table Runner/Topper Quilt-As-You-Go Kit (4/pk) $15.99 (Reg. $19.99). Click and use Code: NORTHWOODS until 2/28/2025 only. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

ACCUQUILT -- National Embroidery Month

ACCUQUILT -- National Embroidery Month #ad

NATIONAL EMBROIDERY MONTH -- 15% off downloadable embroidery (marked down) through 2/28/2025. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

AccuQuilt Block and Pattern Ideas

AccuQuilt Block and Pattern Ideas #ad

This page has over 100 free pattern downloads for blocks and quilt ideas to make with the Accuquilt system. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

AccuQuilt GO! Big Electric Fabric Cutter Starter Set

AccuQuilt GO! Big Electric Fabric Cutter Starter Set #ad

This is the electric version of the Go! cutting machine. It retails at $599 but there are often sales. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Dies

Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Dies #ad

This link shows all of the strip cutter dies available. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

Best Fabric Cutting Machine for Quilting

Best Fabric Cutting Machine for Quilting #ad

This page shows all of the Accuquilt cutting machines for fabric. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

GO! Strip Cutter 2 1/2" (2" Finished) 3 Strips Die

GO! Strip Cutter 2 1/2" (2" Finished) 3 Strips Die #ad

This is a strip cutter that cuts 2-1/2" strips. Finished size is 2" after sewn into a quilt. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

Strip Cutter Dies (Go! Baby or Go! Me)

Strip Cutter Dies (Go! Baby or Go! Me) #ad

These strip cutter dies will work on any Go! cutter but they are the only ones that can be used on the Go! Baby or Go! Me cutters. Affiliate Link to Accuquilt

Cut Strips, Squares and Diamonds in Minutes!

What is the most versatile Accuquilt Die?

Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter Die Demo - pin

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