
Machine Quilting - How and Why to Bring Bobbin Thread to Quilt Surface

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Machine Quilting Tip

When machine quilting within the body of the quilt, it is important to always bring the bobbin thread to the top. 

Why should you bring the bobbin thread to the top of the quilt? By bring the bobbin thread to the quilt surface, you will avoid thread tangling and thread nesting on the back side of the quilt.  This simple tip will save you tons of time and avoid the tedious job of untangling messy thread on the back of the quilt.

Watch this video and continue reading for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to bring the bobbin thread to the top of the quilt.

Are you interested in more quilting tutorials and tips?  Our quilting page has lots and lots of information along with over 200 free quilting patterns and projects.

Watch our video tutorial below or click the link if you prefer to watch Machine Quilting - How and Why to Bring Bobbin Thread to Quilt Surface in Youtube.

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STEP 1: 

Machine Quilting - Bobbin Thread Quick Tip - Begin Sewing Put the quilt sandwich underneath the presser foot and line up the needle where you want to begin quilting.

STEP 2: 

Machine Quilting - Bobbin Thread Quick Tip - Hold Top ThreadTake hold of the needle thread.


Machine Quilting - Bobbin Thread Quick Tip - Turn Flywheel Turn the handwheel on the right side of the machine until the needle moves down into the quilt to its lowest position, then keep turning until the needle comes ALL the way up. This ensures that the needle thread has made a full rotation through the bobbin case.


Machine Quilting - Bobbin Thread Quick Tip - Bobbin Thread on Top Tug on the needle thread and the bobbin thread will come to the top forming a little loop around the needle thread.  In the above picture, you can see the small bobbin thread loop appearing. 

Machine Quilting - Bobbin Thread Quick Tip - Bobbin Loop While holding the needle thread, move the quilt top a few inches away from the presser foot and a larger loop will be formed.  Pull the bobbin thread up to the top of the quilt.  


You're ready to start quilting.  Just reposition your needle where you want to begin quilting, hold onto both threads and start machine quilting.

For information and to learn how to machine quilt, we recommend the books which appear at the end of this article.


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.


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 Free-Motion Meandering: A Beginners Guide to Machine Quilting

Free-Motion Meandering: A Beginners Guide to Machine Quilting #ad

This book will show you that free-motion machine quilting doesn't have to be scary - with a couple designs in your pocket, you can finish almost any quilt on your home machine and enjoy the process. by Angela Walters - Paperback - Published 2017 Affiliate Link to Amazon

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