Kam snaps are made of a strong, durable plastic resin which can be used in a variety of projects such as baby items, clothing, craft projects, purses, totes, towel toppers, etc. The uses for them are endless.
These plastic snaps for clothing or other projects can be purchased in a kit, complete with various colored kamsnaps, an awl, the kam snap pliers, a screwdriver, and s few replacement pieces.
These items can be purchased separately, but the kit is economical and the easiest way to purchase all of the supplies needed to install kam snaps.
Kam snaps with special designs and motifs can also be purchased separately. Holiday designs and other whimsical or classic designs are printed on these specialty plastic snaps.
Installing the kam snaps is quite simple once the directions are understood.![How to Install Plastic Snaps, Kam Snaps - fb]()
Did you install Kam Snaps incorrectly and need to remove them? Click to see our tutorial on How to Remove Kam Snaps.
This tutorial will show how to install plastic snaps using kam snap pliers. The YouTube video along with the following step-by-step instructions will teach how to install kam snaps easily and quickly.
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supplies needed to install kam snaps
- Plastic Kam snaps (2 pointed pieces, one stud/male piece, and one socket/female piece)
- Kam snap pliers
- Awl
- Project needing plastic snaps
![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.1]()
Instructions showing how to install plastic snaps
step 1: Choose the colored kam snaps
The kits come with many colors and shades. It is important to check the fabric of the project with the Kam snap options that are available. It may be desired to compliment or contrast the colors of the plastic snaps and the fabric.
To make one snap, it is necessary to choose four plastic snap pieces. Two flat-headed pieces with points are needed, as well as a male/stud and a female/socket to make one complete working snap.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.2]()
step 2: use an AWL to make a hole in the fabric
Decide the placement of the kam snaps. The final placement of the plastic snaps can be measured or done by eye. Once the placement has been determined, the awl in the kit is used to make a hole in the fabric.
A hole will be necessary for the socket piece and the stud piece of the snap. Start by pushing the point of the kam snap end into the fabric to make a small hole or indentation.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.3]()
Push the awl through the fabric, centering it where the indentation was made. If the fabric has a tight weave, the hole will need to be made a slight bit larger and easier to see. This can be done by rotating the awl in the hole to enlarge it.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.5]()
step 3: attach the first half of the KAM snap to the fabric
Push one flat plastic piece with the pointed stem into the first hole, making sure it is on the outer side of the fabric. Next, holding the flat piece in place, put the socket portion over the point. ![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.6]()
Using the Kam snap pliers, place the snap between the ends of the tool, making sure the flat portion of the snap is in the black area of the Kam snap pliers.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.8]()
Press the tool together in a very firm manner, being sure that the pressure is hard enough for the pointed end to be squished down to hold the socket in place.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.9]()
step 4: attach the other portion of the kam snap
Steps 2 and 3 will need to be done with the stud portion of the Kam snap opposite where the first half was positioned. Once again, measure or eye the location of the other half of the plastic snap.
The flat piece with the pointed end will go on the outer piece of the fabric so that the socket and stud will snap together.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.12]()
Use the Kam snap tool with very firm pressure to squish the pointed end into the stud portion of the plastic snap.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.14]()
step 5: test the plastic snap
It is important to test the Kam snap to be sure both halves are properly secured. Open and close the snap three to four times. If the snap works and the pieces stay secured, the plastic snap will probably stay together well.![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.15]()
If there is any problem with either half of the plastic snap, simply remove the piece that is causing the problem and repeat the steps.
Note: If the kam snap is stuck on the fabric and needs to be removed, use the small screwdriver that is included in the kit to pry the stud or socket off from the pointed piece.
The snap has been made using the Kam snap kit! Now you know how to install a Kam snap!![Install Kam Snaps _1.1.16]()
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial showing how to install Kam snaps in a project. It's simple and makes a big impression! I hope you try using plastic snaps in your projects.
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some projects that use kam snaps
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