Fashion dolls love accessories!
Learn how to make a cute, inexpensive fashion doll purse or handbag with binder clips found at the Dollar Store.
This is a simple, fun doll accessory that requires no sewing.![How to make a Fashion Doll Purse]()
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![How to make a fashion doll purse]()
WHAT YOU NEED to make a fashion doll purse
- Binder Clip (Dollar Store)
- Foam Sheet
- Glue
- Pipe Cleaner
- Pencil
INSTRUCTIONS to make a fashion doll purse
Remove clip handles by gently squeezing.
With pencil, trace the end of the binder clip onto a piece of craft foam. This will be a triangular shape. You need two pieces.
Cut out the triangles.
Apply glue along the edge of the binder clip ends.
Place triangle pieces on glued ends of binder clip.
Allow to dry. It is best to allow glue to dry at this point.
Weave pipe cleaner through rounded section at top of binder where clip handles where removed.
Twist pipe cleaner ends together.
The purse is complete and ready for a fashion doll to use.
![How to make a fashion doll purse]()
This would be a great project for a girl's slumber party or birthday party.
For more DIY fashion doll craft ideas and tutorials, watch our YouTube videos by clicking this link.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Other Fashion Doll Accessories to Craft:
More No-Sewing Required Fashion Doll Clothes
Some other fashion doll clothes that require just a little bit of hand sewing:
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