Hair bows and barrettes are much loved by those of any age, and these DIY ribbon hair bows are no exception.
Made with ribbon and barrettes, they are so pretty. This tutorial shows how to make several different variations of this DIY hair bow and even how to make matching hair bows for 18" dolls!
Imagine the kiddo twinning with their favorite doll!![Put Alt Text Here]()
Make a DIY hair bow to match every outfit!
Learn more about creating DIY hair bows by watching our video or keep reading this post.
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watch the whole video tutorial, click the link DIY Ribbon Hair Bow with Loops to open it in Youtube.
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WHAT YOU NEED to make a DIY ribbon hair bow
INSTRUCTIONS for making a DIY ribbon hair bow
STEP 1: Prepare the ribbon
For the child's DIY hair bow, the ribbons need to be cut at 50" lengths. In order to make a very full bow, three different ribbons 50" long are used.
It is also possible to use only two ribbons for this project, although the bow will not be as full.
Choose ribbon colors and patterns that complement each other or use the same colored ribbon for the entirety of this project.![Loopy Ribbon Bow Barrette_1.1.1_1]()
For the doll's DIY hair bow, the ribbons are cut to 25". The width of the doll hair bow ribbon can be either 1/4" to 3/8" wide. Just as the child's hair bow, it is possible to use either two or three ribbon lengths in coordinating colors or the same color.
step 2: remove the bar from the barrette
The barrettes for this project can be found in the jewelry section of a craft store. There is a bar in the center of the barrette that can be easily removed by unclipping it.![Loopy Ribbon Bow Barrette_1.1.2]()
What is left is the flat barrette for the ribbons. Once the bar has been removed, set it aside for now.
step 3: layer and attach the ribbons for the diy hair bow
Take the three ribbons that have been cut to 50" lengths and layer them on top of each other with the pretty side facing up. The same is done if only two ribbons are being used.
The technique is the same for the hair bow for the doll.
Begin attaching the ribbons on the end of the barrette furthest from the hinge. Lay the end of the ribbons at the end of the barrette and wrap around the ribbons and barrette with the jewelry wire. Wrap the wire three times to secure the ribbons at the end of the barrette.
If there is a piece of the wire sticking out, fold it under to keep the barrette smooth.
step 4: attach the ribbon in loops on the DIY ribbon hair bow barrette
Measure 1" to 1-1/4" length of the ribbon. A measuring mat or ruler is useful for this step but not necessary. Form a loop with the length of the ribbon and push it towards the end of the barrette where it is attached.
Wrap the jewelry wire once around the base of the loop that has been formed. It is only necessary to wrap the wire once at this stage.
Repeat this step over and over, measuring 1" to 1 1/4" lengths of the layered ribbons, making loops, and securing them with one wrap of the jewelry wire.
Remember to keep pushing the loops that have been made towards the beginning of the ribbon to fill the whole barrette with loops.
Wrap the jewelry wire firmly, being careful not to pull hard enough to break it.
When the entire ribbon layers have been attached to the barrette, wrap the ribbon and barrette with the jewelry wire three times as in the beginning. Cut the wire with the wire clippers or utility scissors.
Do not use good fabric scissors to cut the wire!
If any of the wire is sticking out on the barrette, simply wrap it around the barrette to keep it smooth.
Using fabric scissors, cut the lengths of ribbon on each end at an angle to prevent the ribbon from fraying. Heat can also be used to seal the ends of the ribbon.
step 5: Fluff the ribbons on the DIY hair bow
Now that the ribbons are secured, they need to be separated and fluffed out. Take each loop of ribbon and separate the layered ribbons, twisting them to fill out the hair bow.
Separate the ribbons in a random fashion so that the different ribbons are mixed up on the bow and not all clumped together.
If only two ribbons were used, the technique is the same. However, the DIY ribbon hair bow will not be as full.
step 6: replace the middle bar on the barrette
Take the bar that was removed in step 2 and reattach it to the barrette with the ribbon. It is easiest to start with the end that actually catches.
Slid the bar into that end first, then slide the other end of the bar into place.
As mentioned, the technique is the same for the doll's DIY ribbon hair bow. The only difference is the length which the ribbons are cut. The ribbons for the child's bow are cut at 50" and the doll's ribbons are cut at 25".
The beautiful DIY ribbon hair bow is finished and is a ready decorative hair accessory for a child or their dolly!![Loopy Ribbon Bow Barrette_1.1.10]()
Do you need an organizer for your child's hair bows? Check out our tutorial on DIY Ribbon Hair Bow Holder.
I hope you enjoyed learning how to make this adorable DIY ribbon hair bow. Remember to make a matching one for the doll!
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Other adorable hair accessories