General crafts books are listed by categories from A to Z. *Basketry *Chair Caning *Glasswork *Quilling *Rug Making *Paper Crafting *Mosaic Crafts *Ribbon Crafts and much, much more!
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Books on how to make candles.
Books showing how to create cool crafts with duct tape and Washi tape.
Learn how to make different foods such as cheese.
Gardening books are a excellent resource for learning how to garden and landscape with fruits and vegetables.
Want to Forage? Some of the following books are great for identifying, harvesting, eating and preserving wild edibles.
Books on how to macrame and macrame projects.
Books on how-to & projects using polymer clay.
Books on crafting with socks and gloves.
If you have ever used a sewing needle, you can enjoy making wonderful items by Swedish weaving that is also known as huck weaving.