Do you want a one-of-a-kind cell phone case for your cell phone? Do you need a cell phone case to protect your phone?![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
This tutorial will show a quick, inexpensive and fun way to protect your phone from getting scratched. Watch this video and read on to learn how.
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![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
Materials Needed for a sock cell phone case
- Sock
- Scissor
- Marking Pen or Pencil or Pins
- Basic sewing supplies
For this project, I purchased a pair of socks at Dollar Tree for $1. Hence, you can make one cell phone case for yourself and one to give away or use the other sock for another project.
Instructions to make a sock cell phone case
Step 1: Make sure the phone fits into the sock
Lay the phone on the sock to make sure it will fit inside the sock.
![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
Step 2: Turn the Sock Inside Out
Step 3: Mark the Sock
Lay the phone on the sock and mark 1” below the phone with a marking pencil or pen. This will be the stitching line. It can also be marked just with pins.![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
Step 4: Sew along the Line
Sew along this line with a sewing machine, back tacking at beginning and end of the stitching. It can be sewn by hand, if you prefer.
Sew again along the same stitching line to reinforce the seam.
Step 4: Trim & Turn
Trim across the sock ¼” away from stitching.![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
Turn cell phone case right side out.
It is complete and ready to use.
If you want the case to stay closed at the top, attach a piece of Velcro.![Sock Cell Phone Case]()
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
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