An easy and inexpensive craft project for Valentine's Day is these Valentine Heart Boxes.
Paper Mache Boxes are the perfect canvas for creativity and these heart-shaped boxes were only $1 at the dollar store.![Valentine's Day Heart Boxes - fb]()
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![Valentine's Day Heart Boxes]()
- Paper Mache Box
- Acrylic Craft Paint
- Paint Brush
- Embellishments - Ribbon, Beads, Buttons, Scrapbook Paper, Foam Stickers, Glitter and more.
- Glue or Glue Gun
INSTRUCTIONS for the heart boxes
STEP 1: Protect your work surface
Cover your work surface with newspaper to protect the table.
STEP 2: Acrylic Paint
Squeeze some acrylic craft paint onto a paper plate.![Valentine's Day Heart Boxes]()
STEP 3: Paint Box
With a paintbrush, paint the box and allow it to dry completely. If the paint does not cover the box completely, paint it with a second coat.![Valentine's Day Heart Boxes]()
STEP 4: Embellish top of box
Embellish the top and sides of the box as desired.
Hand-decorated boxes can be filled with candy or a gift card for someone special on Valentine's Day. After Valentine's Day, the boxes can be used to store mementos, jewelry, treasures, and more.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
More Fun Easy Valentine's Craft Ideas to Make
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