This easy to follow felt flower tutorial will show you how to hand-sew felt flowers. And they are so pretty!
Make a felt flower to add color to the home no matter what season or to add as an embellishment to headbands, articles of clothing, bags, shoes and more.
These easy felt flowers can be used for wreaths, too! Get creative and use this felt flower craft any way you like and in any color you choose.![How to make a Easy Felt Flower - fb]()
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What are felt flowers?
Simple felt flowers can be made by sewing or gluing felt petals that have been arranged into flower shapes in a circle. There are a variety of flowers that can be made with felt.
It is possible to make daisies, roses, poinsettias and more by just choosing a different petal shape. The petal itself can be cut out in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Make pointy petals for the poinsettias and long, wide petals for roses. This felt flower tutorial shows how to make a simple daisy-shaped flower.
What are the two types of felt?
There are two common types of felt:
- Wool felt: This is a nice weight of felt made out of sheep's wool. This felt is a little more expensive than the other types of felt, but it is good for crafts as it does not melt from heat due to irons or hot glue.
- Polyester felt: This felt is a synthetic needle felt material made with 100% polyester. This felt is less expensive, but it is also thinner and can melt from the heat of an iron.
For these DIY felt flowers, no iron or hot glue will be used, so either type of felt can be used to make them.
WHAT YOU NEED to make easy felt flowers
- Five 4" square pieces of felt in one color
- 1 1/2" diameter circle piece of felt to match the five squares
- 1" X 3" piece of felt in a contrasting color
- Needle
- Thread
- Scissors
INSTRUCTIONS to make a felt flower
step 1: Cut fabric for the felt flower
Choose two different colors of felt for the felt flower. One color will be the main color of the flower petals.
There should be five 4" squares of the main color of felt.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.2]()
Out of the same color of felt, cut one circle measuring 1 1/2 " in diameter. This will be used for the felt flower backing.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.3]()
Finally, out of the other color of felt, cut one 1" x 3" rectangle. This will be the flower center. Be sure it is a contrasting color.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.4]()
STEP 2: fold the first felt flower petal
Begin with one of the pieces of the square felt. Fold it corner to corner to make a triangle. ![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.5]()
Do this a second time to make a smaller triangle for the DIY felt flower petal.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.6]()
Hold the new smaller triangle with the long side facing up. Take the point of the top layered triangle on the left side over to the right corner point.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.8]()
Holding the two felt corner fabrics firmly in the right hand, take the last felt corner on the left side and fold it back to meet the points of the other felt corner fabrics on the right side.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.10]()
The folded felt flower petal will be quite thick.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.11]()
step 3: cut the corner and string the first felt flower petal
Where all of the folded corners meet, use scissors to cut a small piece off the tip of the right corner, through the thick folds of the felt. ![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.12]()
With the threaded needle which is knotted at the end, sew straight through the felt flower petal near the edge where the corner has been cut off.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.14]()
String the folded triangle all of the way down to the knot at the end of the thread.
step 4: continue folding and stringing the felt flower petals
Lay the triangle on the thread down and prepare to fold and string the second flower petal.
Take another 4" square of felt and fold it as the first one was folded. The video shows the folding very clearly.
Clip off the tip where all of the folded corners meet, and string near the cut edge onto the threaded needle.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.13]()
Slide this felt flower petal down to meet the first petal that was strung on the thread.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.17]()
Continue in this way until all five of the 4" squares have been folded, clipped and strung on the thread.
step 5: Pull and tie the felt flower petals together
Once all five of the petals have been strung on the thread, they need to be formed into a circular flower shape.
Take the thread out of the needle and pull the petals tightly into a circle by pulling on both ends of the thread. Tie the two ends of the thread together in a knot, making sure to keep the petals in a circle to form the flower.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.18]()
Trim the ends of the thread close to the knot.
step 6: stitch the petals of the felt flower in place
Thread the needle again. The back of the flower is where the petals have a large circular opening in the center.
Beginning with one of the pieces of felt, put the needle through the felt at the bottom of the inside of the flower. ![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.19]()
Next, sew around the inside of the flower, catching all of the felt pieces of the petals together. Tie a knot to secure the petals together.
step 7: cut and add the center of the flower
Taking the rectangular piece of contrasting felt, fringe along one of the long sides, being careful not to cut all of the way through the rectangle.
To do this, use the scissors and make short cuts half way into the felt along one long side.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.20]()
Next, starting at a short end of the fringed rectangle, roll it up into a tight cylinder. Roll until the piece of felt is a cylinder with fringe at one end.
Take the flower in one hand with the right side up and push the cylinder into the center of the felt flower. The solid portion of the cylinder should be pushed in all of the way through to the back.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.23]()
The fringe of the cylinder should be facing out the front side of the felt flower.
Using the needle and thread, tack down the flower center to the flower petals by stitching all around the cylinder at the back of the flower.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.24]()
step 8: Attach the circle to the back of the felt flower
Find the back of the flower. The front has the fringe center and folded petals. On the back of the flower, sew the felt circle to bring all of the edges under it.
The back will have a neat finish.
step 9: finger press the folds to form the flower petals
Place the felt flower on the work surface with the front side facing up. Carefully push the fold in the center of each petal down and adjust the felt to make a full and open petal with sides.
Shape the petals as desired.
step 10: tack the back of the felt flower
Once the petals are shaped to your liking, turn the flower over. Tack the opened edges of the back of the flower together. ![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.28]()
This will make a nice, neat finish on the back of the flower.![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.26]()
The beautiful easy felt flower is now ready to be used in a variety of ways. Make several in different sizes and colors! So pretty!![Felt Flower Tutorial _1.1.1]()
I hope you enjoyed this felt flower tutorial!
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For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
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