
Spool Knitting - How to Spool Knit

People have been spool knitting for generations!

This is a fun, easy craft for people of all ages, from 4 to 99.

Our instructional video and written instruction will show you how to use a spool knitter to make a basic knitted cord. Spool knitting is also known as corking and French knitting. The spool knitter is sometimes referred to as a Knitting Nancy or French Knitter.

Many things can be made with the knitted cord including mats, coasters, flowers, rugs, Christmas ornaments, bracelets, jewelry, bookmarks to name a few items.Spool Knitting Tutorial - fb

Do you need project ideas on what to make with a spool knitting cord?  Our Spool Knitting Tutorials and Projects page has many free projects and helpful tutorials.

Watch this video and read on for a step-by-step photo tutorial on how to spool knit.

Watch our video tutorial below or click the link if you prefer to watch Spool Knitting - How to Spool Knit in Youtube.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. We make a small commission on sales through the affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you in advance for your purchase and your support! Please see our full Affiliate Statement for more information.

WHAT YOU NEED to spool knit

  • Spool Knitter
  • Yarn, Cord or Wire
  • Spool Knitting Pick/Hook
  • Tapestry Needle

INSTRUCTIONS for spool knitting

STEP 1: THREAD YARN through spool knitter

Learn to Spool Knit - Insert YarnBegin by inserting the end of the yarn through the center of the spool knitter, from the top to the bottom, until the yarn comes out the bottom.  You want the tail of yarn which is coming out the bottom about 3 or 4 inches long.

STEP 2: CAST ON stitches

To cast on stitches, hold the spool knitter with one hand and you will begin wrapping the yarn around the pegs or nails in a clockwise direction with the other hand.Learn to Spool Knit - Wrap Yarn Around Pegs 

To do this, hold the tail of the yarn at the bottom of the spool knitter securely and place the working yarn between two pegs.  Then, wrap the yarn in the front of the left peg and bring the yarn clockwise around the peg.  Pull the yarn over to the next peg and wrap around clockwise.  Continue wrapping the yarn clockwise around all the pegs.


Learn to Spool Knit - Yarn Over Pegs

After wrapping the yarn around all the pegs, place the yarn in front of the next peg, just above the loop.  With the pick or hook, lift the bottom loop up and pass it over the peg. The stitch will pass to the center of the spool knitter.  Move counterclockwise making a stitch at each peg.  

Learn to Spool Knit - Yarn Over Pegs Again

As you make stitches, pull the bottom yarn tail down to tighten the stitches and pull the cord through the middle of the spool knitter. 

Continue making the cord until it is the desired length.


Learn to Spool Knit - Binding Off 1

Lift the loop on the last stitch you made, and place the loop on the peg to its left.  This peg now has two loops in it.

Learn to Spool Knit - Bind Off 2

To cast off, with the pick or hook, lift the bottom loop and pass it up and over the peg.  If you have a 4 peg spool knitter, you now should have only three pegs with loops and one peg without a loop.  

Continue transferring the loop on one peg to the left, lift the bottom loop and pass it up and over the peg until you have the last peg with only one loop.


Learn to Spool Knit - Bind Off 3

Cut the yarn leaving about a 4 or 5-inch tail.  Carefully remove the last loop off the peg.  With a crochet hook, insert it into the loop, wrap yarn tail around the hook and draw it through the loop.  Pull the yarn tightly to knot the loop.


To weave the tails into the center of the knitted cord, thread the yarn onto a tapestry needle and weaving it into the center.


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

We have several videos of projects you can do with your Spool Knitter. 

Supporting Products and links: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. We make a small commission on sales through the affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you in advance for your purchase and your support! Please see our full Affiliate Statement for more information.

French Knitter Tool 2 Pack

French Knitter Tool 2 Pack #ad

This small spool knitting loom set is very suitable for knitting enthusiasts of all ages. This spool loom kit is made of high-quality wood and metal materials, Affiliate Link to Amazon

Knitting Spool French Knitter 4-Peg

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Make belts, necklaces, rugs, hats, and fancy trims. Great for beginners; even kids will love it! Hand-turned hardwood spool knitter turns fabrics and heavy yarns into beautiful accessories. Simple to learn. Affiliate Link to

Learn to Loom Knit for Your Dolls

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This fully illustrated book gives a child an introduction to loom knitting. Instructions on how to knit accessories for 18-inch and mini dolls are included. The child can knit scarves, backpacks, hats and mittens for her doll. by Sherralyn St. Clair - Paperback - Published 2014 Affiliate Link to Amazon

Loom Pick and Yarn Needle

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Affiliate Link to

Spool Knit Jewelry

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Make Beautiful Bracelets, Anklets, and Rings! Spool Knit Jewelry comes with a customized knitting spool and crochet hook, along with elasticized cord in two different widths and a cool mix of colors. To add sparkle, we've also included more than 500 beautiful beads. by Anne Akers Johnson - Spiral-bound - Published 2004 Affiliate Link to Amazon

Spool Knitter

Spool Knitter #ad

This french knitter doll is entertaining craft tool! It's a 4 Peg Knitting Spool Knitter. Affiliate Link to Amazon

Learn to Spool Knit - pin

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