Learn how to make a super quick doll infinity scarf with t-shirt yarn. This scarf fits an 18-inch doll.![18 inch doll Infinity Scarf from T-Shirt Yarn Tutorial - fb]()
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- T-shirt yarn
- Needle
- Thread
- Scissor
For a tutorial on making t-shirt yarn, click the link.
STEP 1: Cut a piece of t-shirt yard 1 ½ yards long.
STEP 2: Join the t-shirt yarn ends in a circle by placing the ends together and securing them with a few stitches using a needle and thread.
STEP 3: Fold the t-shirt yarn in half, then fold it in half again.
That’s it! The t-shirt yarn infinity scarf is finished. Just slip the scarf over your doll's head.
![18 inch doll T-shirt yarn infinity scarf - pin]()
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