
How to make an Easy No Sew Skirt for an 18-inch Doll

Children love to play with their 18-inch dolls, such as American Girl Dolls, Our Generation, Journey, Playtime by Emmie, My Life As, and New Adventures Styles dolls. 

There are so many doll clothing items available to purchase, but instead of paying for these expensive clothes, it is much more fun and much less expensive to make them with one of our no-sew tutorials.Easy No-Sew Doll Skirt - fb

Not everyone can sew doll clothes. This doll skirt does not involve any sewing, so it is simple to make. The good news is a child with no sewing skills can make a pretty skirt for their doll.

Made out of an old T-shirt sleeve, it is eco-friendly as well! On our trash-to-treasure page, you can look at the many things to be taken from old to new.

Watch our video or read this post to learn more about making a no-sew doll skirt for an 18" doll.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to make an Easy No Sew Skirt for an 18-inch Doll to open it in Youtube.

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WHAT YOU NEED to make a no-sew doll skirt

  • An old adult long-sleeved t-shirt
  • Fabric Scissors
  • Iron on Hem Tape like Stitch Witchery
  • Pins
  • Ruler
  • Iron and ironing board

No Sew Doll Skirt_1.1.7

INSTRUCTIONS for making a skirt for an 18" doll

STEP 1: Cut the skirt out

The first thing to do is cut the skirt material out of the t-shirt, which is a great knit fabric for this. For this project, the shirt's sleeve will be used, and it is perfect for the doll's waist.

The length of the skirt will be 7" long, so measure 7" up from the hem of one of the sleeves with the ruler. With scissors, cut at the 7" mark across the t-shirt sleeve. This will be the material for the doll skirt.No Sew Doll Skirt_1.1.2

Step 2: attach the stitch witchery

Although using Stitch Witchery is optional, the skirt's waist band looks neat and finished. If Stitch Witchery is not used, fold the top of the skirt under and iron the fold in place.

To use the Stitch Witchery, turn the portion of the sleeve inside out and pin the Stitch Witchery around the cut edge. Overlap the ends of the Stitch Witchery on the sleeve.No Sew Doll Skirt_1.1.3

Next, fold the edge under about an inch and pin where the material has been folded to keep the fold in place.No Sew Doll Skirt_1.1.4

Take the skirt piece to the ironing board and iron the fold. The heat from the iron will adhere the Stitch Witchery to the fabric and keep the fold closed without the need to sew.No Sew Doll Skirt_1.1.5

Step 3: put the finishing touches on the skirt

Once the fold has been ironed, turn the sleeve so the right side faces out. Now iron the skirt so it is neat and flat.No Sew Doll Skirt_1.1.6

The skirt is finished and ready for the doll to wear. This 18" doll top would look lovely with the skirt!No Sew Doll Skirt Two Dolls Wearing Skirt with Cat

I hope you enjoyed this easy peasy tutorial on making a no-sew skirt for an 18" doll. Now you can make one of your own without a sewing machine! While you're at it, maybe you will want to make another great project, like a doll shirt!
Annette's Signature 


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

other 18" doll clothes to make

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Iron On Hem Tape

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Browse a selection of iron on hemming tape to use for this project. Affiliate Link to

Doll Skirt No Sewing Required Pin

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