Learn how to make an origami paper boat with our video or photo tutorial. To see the video tutorial, click the link below. Scroll down for the step by step photo tutorial.![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
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![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
To make a paper boat, start with a piece of paper or construction paper about 8.5" x 11".
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 1: Fold the top corner of the paper down to meet the side.
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 2: Cut of the extra paper so you will have a square.
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 3: Keep it folded and then hold the paper as shown above.
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 4: Fold up the bottom of the paper as shown.
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 5: Open the paper up. We will cut along the fold line. See the marked line on the image? Cut along that line to the folds as shown below.
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 6: Fold the side up.
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 7: Turn the boat over and then fold up the other side.
![Origami Boat Tutorial]()
Step 8: Add a piece of tape to the front and back of the boat to hold it together.
Your origami paper boat is finished!
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