Make a simple and fun key ring for someone special. Our easy tutorial will show you how.
Watch this video tutorial and read the following step-by-step photo tutorial to see how to make this plastic canvas key ring. The free printable "Love You" chart is at the end of this article along with links to supplies.![Plastic Canvas Love You Keychain Tutorial]()
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If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our
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Keep reading for the free version of this tutorial.
COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To
watch the whole video tutorial, click the link "Love You" Key Ring Tutorial to open it in Youtube.
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- 7-Count Plastic Canvas
- Yarn
- Scissor
- Tapestry Needle
- Key Ring or Ring with Zipper Pull
- "Love You" Key Ring Chart
![Plastic Canvas Love You Keychain Tutorial]()
INSTRUCTIONS for the Plastic Canvas Keyring:
STEP 1: Print the Free PDF Design
Look at the end of this tutorial for a link to download the free PDF printable for the Love You keyring design. Print out the design sheet so you can follow it to stitch the design on the plastic canvas.
As shown in the design, cut the key ring shape from 7-count plastic canvas.![Plastic Canvas Love You Keychain Tutorial]()
Select worsted yarn in any color combination. This is an excellent project for using leftover yarns from other projects.
STEP 2: Stitch the Design on the Canvas
Follow the chart and stitch the design on the plastic canvas using the tent stitch. For a tutorial on how to do the tent stitch, click the link. After stitching the design, complete the background using the tent stitch.![Plastic Canvas Love You Keychain Tutorial]()
Finish the edges of the bridge between the two sections with an overcast stitch. Click the link for a tutorial on the overcast stitch. See the photo below for a sample.
STEP 4: Insert Ring and Finish the Edge
Slide the key ring or ring with zipper pull over the canvas so it's by the bridge.
Fold the two sides of the canvas together, with wrong sides together as shown below.![Plastic Canvas Love You Keychain Tutorial]()
Whipstitch the edges together. Click the link for a whipstitch tutorial. ![Plastic Canvas Love You Keychain Tutorial]()
After whip stitching the edges, the keyring is complete.
This keyring makes up quickly and is a nice gift for Valentine's Day, Mother's or Father's Day, or as a stocking stuffer.
![Plastic Canvas Love You Keychain Tutorial]()
Happy Stitching!
![Annette's Signature]()
If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our
Etsy Shop listing for "Love You" Key Ring Tutorial #ad.
For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
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