Looking for something special to give to a child for their birthday or Christmas? Looking for something to keep a child busy? Craft kits for kids are fun and creative activities that can keep a child entertained for hours.
There are craft kits for kids of all ages - from toddlers to teens.
Keep a supply of kits handy for a rainy or snowy day or just when you hear, "I'm bored".
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A review of a few Creatology Kids crafts which would be great to put into the kids Easter basket.
In addition, links for purchasing these kits.
Needlepointers.com Staff
Super-clear directions for ten different kinds of bracelets, with all the colorful floss and beads you need to make all of them.
by Klutz
- Published 1996
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Comes with three beanbags and a storage bag.
by Klutz
- Published 2007
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Learn the ropes of knot-tying with the KLUTZ book of knots! two nylon cords, color-coded to the illustrations, are tied through the holes on each board page, allowing the reader to practice tying knots right in the book.
by Klutz
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12 amazing projects.
by Klutz
- Spiral-bound
- Published 2007
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A Book of String Figures (Book and String) - This full-color, easy-to-understand instruction manual teaches the basics of string figures, including such favorites as Cat's Whiskers, Jacob's Ladder, Witch's Broom, and more.
by Anne Akers Johnson
- Paperback
- Published 1993
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Sew two adorable cats, perfect for room decoration. By American Girl Crafts
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This book is a fully photographic how-to about kids' face painting.
by The editors of Klutz
- Paperback
- Published 2007
KIT INCLUDES: Terrarium jar (4"x6"), light-up jar lid, Micro-USB charging cable, clear and easy step-by-step instruction booklet for all ages, soil, blue sand, river rocks, wheatgrass and chia seeds, small bunny and mushroom miniatures, removable stickers for decoration, spray bottle, and wooden stick to aid in planting the seeds.
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These owls are so cute, cuddly and really fun to make!
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These Plush Craft Kits are fun craft kits great for kids. They come with everything needed to make cute pillows or animals.
Diamond Dotz Kits are a great stocking stuffer and also a rainy day craft. Stock up on these cute kits. Kids of all ages will enjoy making them.
Design your favorite Star Wars characters using just your thumbprint
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You get six sheets of Shrinky Dink in this book, along with a mind-boggling collection of ready-to-trace, ready-to-color, ready-to-shrink artwork.
by Klutz Press
- Published 1999
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