These cute dumpling kitties were crocheted by Chris from a free pattern from CritterBeans. Find the link to the free pattern below and watch the video to find out more about these kitties.![Dumpling Kitty Crocheted Cat]()
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![Dumpling Kitty Crocheted Cat]()
The first white and yellow striped dumpling kitty was made with Lily Sugar and Cream yarn I had around the house. This one was made with white for the body and yellow for the stripes. A larger crochet hook was used because this yarn is thicker than the recommended yarn. The pattern suggests using a "D" hook.
The 2nd dumpling kitty was made with the yarn recommended by the pattern, Lion Brand Vanna's Choice yarn. Terracotta for the body and Mustard for the stripes. For this yarn, the recommended "D" hook was used.
As you can see the first kitty turned out larger than the 2nd one. So, the yarn type/thickness can really alter the size of a project. We think both turned out cute, so either yarn can work for this project.
![Dumpling Kitty Crocheted Cat]()
This is showing the base of the kitty. It's just a simple circle which you then crochet to the main body.
The back stripes on the kitty were a bit of a challenge. When making both, it seemed like I was often off in my counts or something because the color changes seemed to be in the wrong place. It was easy to adjust though and to just add the stripes in.
![Dumpling Kitty Crocheted Cat]()
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