Christmas cards are an inexpensive way to decorate your home during the holiday season. With old greeting cards and a few basic craft supplies already around the home, numerous greeting card crafts can be made and cost absolutely nothing. What is better than FREE?
![Greeting Card Wreath Tutorial - Snowman - FB]()
Over the years, I accumulated a huge collection of greeting cards. The reason I believe it was hard for me to throw cards away is because of a vivid memory as a child of playing with used greeting cards. I enjoyed looking at the pictures, stacking them, arranging them in a row or design, and cutting them out to make collages.
Look at all the cards I have collected.
![Crafts with Old Greeting Cards]()
So, it is time to cut the clutter and make something special with these old greeting cards. Today's holiday Christmas card wreath tutorial will use dozens and dozens of these old greeting cards.
Want more greeting card craft ideas? Visit our 30+ Creative Ways to Recycle Old Greeting Cards page.
With this video tutorial and the following photo tutorial with step-by-step directions, you can quickly make cute holiday wreaths with old greeting cards.
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how to make a Christmas card wreath
- Old Greeting Cards
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Pencil
- Ruler or Templates
- Scissor
- Exacto Knife or Box Cutter
- Tacky Glue or Hot Glue
- Ribbon
![Greeting Card Crafts Wreath Tutorial Supplies]()
greeting card wreath INSTRUCTIONS:
STEP 1: Cutting Designs
Begin by gathering your old Christmas cards and look through them. To make the wreath, you can group the cards by theme or just make a collage with all different designs.
After choosing the cards, cut around the designs.
Above you will see I cut out three themes - Santas, snowmen, and trees. I just had to do a snowman wreath because I am obsessed with snowmen. I collect snowman and enjoy displaying them around my home well into February each year.
After cutting out the designs, I decided to make two greeting card wreaths - one with Santas and the other with snowmen and trees.
STEP 2: wreath form
All those cut-out pretty cards need to be glued to something. So let's make a cardboard wreath form. All you need is a corrugated box. Most of us have a shipping box around our home or if you don't, ask a local store for a box. Most likely they would be delighted to give you one.
There are two methods for making the cardboard wreath form. First, cut at least a 12" square piece from the box.
For this method, look around your home for plates, lids or something that is approximately 6 inches in diameter and 12 inches in diameter. I found a plate and a plastic lid.
Place the 12-inch template on the cardboard and draw around the circumference with a pencil.
Then put the 6-inch template in the center of the 12-inch circle and draw around it with a pencil.
The second way to make the cardboard wreath form is to use a ruler and pencil.
Find the center of the cardboard and use a pencil to mark the center with a dot. With a ruler, mark off a 12" circle around the center dot. HOW? Place the 6" mark on the ruler on the dot. Draw a short line at the 0-inch mark and the 12-inch mark. Continue moving the ruler around the dot and marking. Connect the marks and viola you have a 12" circle.
After making the 12" circle, use the same process to make a 6" circle. Place the 3" mark on the ruler on the dot. With a pencil draw a little line at the 0-inch and at the 6-inch mark. Continue marking all the way around in a circle. Connect the lines and the 6" circle is complete.
Time to cut out the wreath. You can use a scissor but you may find it hard with a scissor. I prefer using an Exacto knife or box cutter. If you use one of these tools, please make sure to protect your work surface by putting another piece of cardboard or something under the wreath form.
![Greeting Card Wreath Tutorial Form Created]()
STEP 3: gluing cards
Play around with the cards, arranging and overlapping them on the cardboard wreath form until you are happy with the arrangement. As arranging make sure all the cards are facing right side up. Below is an example of the snowman wreath before it is glued.
After you have the desired arrangement, take a picture with your mobile phone. This will be very helpful as you glue the cards to the wreath.
![Greeting Card Wreath Tutorial Glue Cards]()
With tacky glue or hot glue, start gluing the cards onto the cardboard wreath.
STEP 4: adore with a bow and hanger
As the glue is drying, make a bow. Then, simply glue a bow to the wreath.
Add a ribbon hanger by gluing a loop of ribbon to the back of the wreath.
A simple, cute, inexpensive holiday wreath is ready to hang and add a festive touch to your home's holiday decorations.
I am so happy with the way the wreaths turned out. What a special addition to my home.
Here is my snowman greeting card wreath: ![Greeting Card Wreath Tutorial Snowman Finished w bow hanging]()
Here is my Santa Christmas card wreath:
We hope you enjoyed this Christmas card wreath tutorial and you decide to upcycle greeting cards.
Happy Holidays!
Have you enjoyed this post on how to make an upcycled Christmas card wreath? And you still have greeting cards left. Then you may like these ideas.
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