Some of the very best gifts are gift cards. They can be specifically chosen according to the tastes of the recipient and can be used any time they want.
But it may be difficult to find the most festive and economical gift card holder for these special cards.
Enter this DIY gift card holder made from recycled toilet paper rolls!![Recycled Paper Gift Card Holder fb]()
These gift card holders can be personalized so easily for the lucky person who is to receive the card. Pretty paper and a few special stickers make this the easiest, most economical, and best personalized DIY gift card holder ever.
Easily make these into DIY Christmas gift card holders with some holiday paper and festive stickers.
Learn more about making a DIY gift card holder by watching our video or keep reading this post.
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WHAT YOU NEED to create a diy gift card holder
- Empty cardboard toilet paper tube
- 6 1/2" X 4 1/2" piece of card stock
- Double sided tape
- Stickers
- Tacky glue
- Paper clips
- Quarter
- Pencil or pen
- Scissors
- Ribbon (optional)
INSTRUCTIONS to make a DIY Christmas Gift card holder
STEP 1: prepare the toilet paper tube
First, be sure to remove any residual toilet paper that may be left on the roll. The recycled toilet paper roll needs to be pressed flat. Using the palm of the hand, press the toilet paper roll so it is no longer a cylinder. ![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.2]()
Use the fingers to crease the two folds that have been made. Set that aside for now.
step 2: apply the double-sided tape to the card stock of gift card holder
Lay the card stock face down. Take a piece of double-sided tape and tape it along the short end of the card stock. Do the same with the other short end.![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.3]()
Place a piece of the double-sided tape along one long side of the card stock.
step 3: wrap the card stock around the recycled toilet paper roll
Lay the toilet paper tube in the center of the card stock, with the short end butted up against the long side of the card stock that has tape on it. Take one end of the card stock and wrap it around the toilet paper roll, using the adhered tape to hold it to the roll.![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.5]()
Take the other end of the card stock and wrap it around the toilet paper tube, covering the other end of the card stock. Press firmly to adhere the card stock with the double-sided tape.
step 4: close one end of the DIY gift card holder
At the end of the wrapped and recycled toilet paper roll that does not have the card stock taped to it, fold the two sides into the tube just a short bit, approximately 1/4". Using the tacky glue, glue the end of the gift card holder closed.![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.6]()
Use the paper clips to hold the end closed while the glue dries. Remove them when the end has dried closed.
step 5: Cut an opening in the DIY gift card holder
Turn the gift card holder around to work on the end that is not glued. Take the quarter and place it halfway on the end of the tube. Trace the half circle of the quarter on one side of the end of the tube.![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.7]()
Using scissors, cut along the line that was drawn around the quarter. This will be the opening to reach the gift card out of the gift card holder easily.![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.8]()
step 6: Decorate the Christmas gift card holder
If the gift card will be a Christmas gift, find some cute holiday stickers to decorate the Christmas gift card holder.![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.9]()
Other stickers may be used depending on what the gift is for. There are cute birthday stickers, flower stickers for Mother's Day, and Easter stickers too. Stickers for any occasion can be found.
A ribbon can be tied around the DIY gift card holder if desired. Slide the gift card into the holder and it is ready to give as a gift!![Paper Gift Card Holder 1.1.1]()
I hope you enjoyed learning how to make a DIY gift card holder for any occasion. It's fun, cute and economical!
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Other creative ways to wrap gifts
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