Bookmark pattern with plastic canvas sheets - FREE.
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This is a fun plastic canvas stitching project perfect for beginners - a great activity for after-school, scouts and camps.
You can make some simple stunning bargello bookmarks with these patterns.
Amy Latta Creations
These creative and fun paper clips and bookmarks can be made from colored plastic canvas making no need for stitching.
Purple Kitty Yarns
Want some to give to a friend? Stitch up this bookmark.
Janie's Homepage
Stitch up some fun candy canes for the holiday - They can be used as decorations or as a bookmark.
Hub Pages
Here are some easy DIY instructions for plastic canvas crosses that can use little bits of yarn leftover from other yarn projects.
Joy With Purpose
Learn two ways to make make plastic canvas bookmarks using premade 3" plastic canvas crosses.
Crochet Cabana
Use this Despicable Me Minion to cover your recipe book, notebook, blog planner, or journal with this quick and easy free pattern. Kids will love it too!
DIY Party Mom
Here are two plastic canvas bookmark designs to stitch up for friends.
Whip up this sweet bookmark with the free pattern provided.
Strings Away
Kid bookworms will love this corner bookmark.
Knits For Life
Keep your place in a book using this free pattern for this crafty stitched plastic canvas bookmark.
Learn how to cover any book with a plastic canvas cover using this tutorial.
Dream A Little Bigger
When reading you need a good bookmark to mark your spot. Here is a super easy bookmark to whip up.
Strings Away
Here is a YouTube tutorial along with a free download pattern for you to make a plastic canvas bookmark.
Christian County Library
Make some bookmarks shaped like feathers with this tutorial