For the beginner, basic guides to cross stitching from needles to thread to helpful tips.
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A beginner's step-by-step guide to techniques and motifs.
by Charlotte Gerlings
- Paperback
- Published 2012
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From reading the pattern to preparing the fabric, from threading the needle to making the cross stitches, this post has all the basic information for learning cross-stitch.
Red Gate Stitchery
Instructions with illustrations on how to beginning stitching using the waste knot method.
Scarlet Quince
Learn how to use the loop method to secure embroidery floss.
Illustrations and information on how use a waste knot to anchor a new thread in cross stitching.
Better Cross Stitch Patterns
Illustrations and instructions for using the waste knot method for starting a new threads
Ellen Maurer-Stroh
Items discussed are how to find the center of your chart, center of the fabric, basic cross stitch stitches, reading the chart and more.
Caron Collection
This video by will show and explain how to cross stitch a row. To do this, you normally stitch the rows horizontally from left to right. But it can be stitched right to left. Learn how.
learn stitch basics, thread basics and fabric basics.
The Cross Stitchers Guild
With illustration and instructions learn the proper way to complete a cross stitch row.
Better Cross Stitch Patterns
Terms and explanation.
Salt and Pepper
How to secure or end floss on the back of a project by running the threaded needle under the previously stitched threads.
How to bury the thread - ending thread.
Better Cross Stitch Patterns
How many strands of embroidery floss should I use with cross stitching fabric.
This video will show you how to quickly and easily separate strands of embroidery floss without tangling.
Tips on how to avoid catching the floss on the embroidery hoop.
Prepare cloth for cross stitching by placing masking tape or painter's tape around the edge of the fabric. This will stop fabric from fraying.
How to determine the size of a finished cross stitch project?
Better Cross Stitch Patterns
Counted cross stitch is the most popular form of embroidery in the United States today. It's widely accepted because it's easy. and it offers such an exciting array of project design books. Here are some tips if you are just beginning.
Caron Collection
Caron Collection