Plans for building boxes.
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Boxes are relatively quick to build, require only a small amount of material, and can be made in the smallest of woodshops. And, of course, they make wonderful gifts!
by Doug Stowe
- Paperback
- Published 2014
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Aimed at keen woodworkers of all levels, Box Making features 25 projects to suit all tastes.
by GMC Editors
- Paperback
- Published 2016
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10 skill-building box projects.
by Doug Stowe
- Paperback
- Published 2016
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Organize your papers with a desktop filing box
Canadian Home Workshop
Building a wooden box to be used as storage for firewood kindling is a project that can be fun and practical.
Wayne of the Woods
With this tutorial, a pallet and some common supplies make a crate.
Fix This Build That
A basic box with a sliding top.
Fine Woodworking