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There are many ways of fastening pieces of wood together, some are purely functional such as butt joints, while others are functional as well as decorative. Learn more...
Sawdust Making 101
Learn a joinery method when making a box.
Wood Magazine
Information on dado versus dowel joinery.
Wood Web
What is a dovetail joint? This article will tells all about dovetail joints.
Information on how to make a dovetail joint.
Extreme How To
How to make a hand-cut dovetail joint.
Sawdust Making 101
How to quickly make half-lap joints.
This Old House
Cutting dados is a task all woodworkers perform regularly. There are different ways. The NewWoodworker shows you how.
Learn all about the different types of woodworking joinery.
Dados are a favorite joinery method of woodworkers because they are very strong, easy to make with common tools, and can be used in a wide range of applications. Click here to for information on making stopped dados.