This quick and easy swirly placemat (tabletopper) is a personal machine embroidery project made by Chris from The design is from Kreative Kiwi Embroidery (see link below).![Swirly Placemat]()
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The entire project is made in the hoop. It requires multiple hoopings and the sections are easily joined together while in the hoop.
Joining the sections of the placemat is the most complicated part of this project. We have a tutorial giving tips and showing how to join sections for designs like these.
Kreative Kiwi Embroidery also has a swirly coaster design to go with the placemat.
By switching up the fabric, you can make stunning placemats, tabletoppers and coasters for your home. Below is another version we made.
This makes a great gift idea for the holidays or for a birthday!
I entered this project in the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair and won a First Place, Champion and Best in Show Accessories ribbons!
![Swirly Placemat Ribbons]()
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Another placemat design that is joined in the hoop is the Octagon Splendor Placemat. Click the link to learn more about these placemats.
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