FUN FINDS! Look what you can find for a dollar at Dollar Tree.
These items found at Dollar Tree will work perfectly with an 18" doll and 18" doll house. All items were only $1.
Watch this video and read on for the items found at Dollar Tree.
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During this trip to Dollar Tree, we discovered a number of items that could be used with an 18" doll.
Mini Lamp
This lamp is the perfect size for the 18" doll house.
Sock Purse
Perfect size for the doll to carry dollars, coins and other items when she goes shopping.
Coin Purse
Dolls can carry this small coin purse when shopping or make it into a doll tote bag by adding ribbon straps.
Tea Set
Your 18-inch doll can have her friends over for tea and snacks with the tea set. It is just the right size.
Want to purchase some of these items as favors for a doll-themed birthday party? Click on the affiliate link below and buy online and have them delivered right to your doorstep.
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