Latch hooking is a fun, easy craft that both adults and children can learn. To latch hook, a latch hook tool is used to knot pieces of yarn on a mesh canvas.
Craft stores sell lots of pre-printed latch hook kits. Or you can create you own design, by purchasing pre-cut yarn and a latch hook canvas.![How to Latch Hook]()
To learn how to latch hook, watch this video or read on.
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Latch hook kits come with a printed canvas and/or symbol chart and lengths of yarn. When purchasing the kit, check to see if it includes a latch hook. If it doesn't, you will have to purchase one.
A lot of kits come with color printed canvases. Others come with a symbol chart. Sort the yarn to see which colors matches with the symbols on the chart and/or on the printed canvas.
A tip is to place each yarn color in a baggie to keep the color together and prevent them from getting lost.
The latch hook tool has a swinging lever below the hook.
Latch Hook Kit or Canvas
Pre-Cut Latch Hook Yarn
Latch Hook Tool
1. Hold the latch hook in your hand and place a piece of yarn behind the shaft below the swinging latch. Hold the yarn in place with your finger or loop it around the tool and hold in place.
2. Insert the hook tool down under a horizontal bar of the canvas and back up through the hole above the bar until it goes in past the latch.
3. Take the two ends of the yarn, making such they are even, and pull them up and place the ends between the hook and the open swinging latch.
4. Tug the tool down through the horizontal bar. The swinging latch will close around the yarn and create a knot on the canvas bar.
5. Tighten the knot by pulling both ends of the yarn gently.
6. Continuing working across the row changing colors as needed.
7. After finishing one row, begin the next row.
TIP: We found it helpful, especially when children are latch hooking a project, to fold the canvas along the hortizonal bar which will be hooked. This make it much easier to insert the hook under the horizontal bar.
After finishing a latch hook project, it can be made into a rug, wall hanging, seat cushion or pillow. It could even be sewn on the back of a denim jacket.
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