
How to Knit the Bamboo Stitch

The Bamboo Stitch is an easy elegant stitch that makes a nice firm, flat laying piece of fabric. This simple pattern creates a masculine-looking woven fabric that is great for sweaters, scarves, and afghans.  The stitch is not a reversible stitch but it has an interesting texture on the wrong side.

This video and the following photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions will show you how to knit the bamboo stitch.Knit Bamboo Stitch - Facebook

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Click to watch the How to Knit the Bamboo Stitch video in Youtube.

How to Knit the Bamboo Stitch

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The bamboo stitch is worked on multiples of two stitches.  There are two different methods for working the Bamboo Stitch. Each will give you a similar appearance.

K = Knit Stitch
P = Purl Stitch
yo = Yarn Over

Skill Level - Easy
Row Count - 2 Rows

This is the method I prefer when knitting the bamboo stitch.

Cast on an even number of stitches.

Row 1: K1, *Yarn Over, K2, pass yo over the last two knit stitches*.  Repeat between *s to last stitch, K1, turn.

Row 2: Purl all stitches.

Repeat these two rows to create the pattern and for the desired length.


STEP 1: Cast On and Knit 1 Knit Bamboo StitchStart by casting on an even number of stitches.  Beginning on the right side, knit the first stitch.

STEP 2: Yarn Over

Knit Bamboo Stitch
Create a yarn over by wrapping the yarn around the right needle.

STEP 3: Knit 2

Knit Bamboo Stitch

Knit the next two stitches from the left needle to the right needle.

STEP 4: Pass Yarn Over, Over Last Two Stitches

Knit Bamboo Stitch

Now, pass the yarn over over the last two stitches knitted. To do this place the tip of the left needle under the yarn over on the right needle.  Lift the yarn up and over the last two stitches knitted on the right needle.

STEP 5:  Completing Row

Knit Bamboo StitchRepeat steps 2 - 4 until you will one stitch remaining on the left needle.  Knit the last stitch.  Turn.

STEP 6: Purl

Purl all stitches.


When using this method, making a yarn over at the beginning of the row can be awkward.  Just drape the yarn over the empty needle before working the first knit stitch.

Cast on an even number of stitches.

Row 1: Beginning on the right side, *yo, k2, pass the yo over the last two knit stitches. Repeat from * to end of the row, turn.

Row 2: Purl all stitches.

Repeat these two rows to create the pattern and until you reach the desired length.



Cast on an even number of stitches.

Round 1: *yo, K2, pass yo over the last two knit stitches*, repeat between *s to end of the round.

Round 2: Knit all stitches to the end of the round.

Repeat the two rows to create the pattern and for the desired length.

Knit Bamboo Stitch


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knitting stitch tutorials

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