Crafts using scrapbook paper.
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How to make a paper case for a CD favor.
I Do It Myself
Make an entertaining DIY college exam care package to send to your college student. Associate
Looking for a DIY Christmas gift tags idea? Learn how to make your own gift tags that double as DIY personalized Christmas ornaments.
Confessions of an Over Worked Mom
Damask Love
Free Tags - This link is to Graphic Garden which has free printable scrapbook tags.
Graphic Garden
With a Silhouette Cameo or Cricut, create some cute baby show invitations using scrapbook paper and following these instructions.
Scratch and Stitch
Make a pretty hanging butterfly with scrapbook paper.
The Quirky Crafting Schmoogle Bean
Cover using scrapbook paper.
Creative Housewives
Free printable notes.
Happy Home Fairy
Start the school year off with these free lunchbox notes, tags and stickers.
Alpha Mom
Every school locker needs pencils and also some bling, so these magnetic pencil holders are just what the teacher ordered!
Alpha Mom
A cutout lace tree.
Here is a fun fall craft that uses up some leftover scrapbook pieces.
DIY Candy
Learn how to make 3D paper snowflakes. These attractive snowflakes look beautiful as a homemade decoration to hang on walls, in windows or on your tree. This is a fun project for kids and adults.
Here you will find a pintable Patriotic Pinwheel. Simple, download the PDF, assemble and decorate.
Jenny Allsorts
It’s almost Valentines day and time to do some DIY Valentine’s Day crafts. Making a simple paper heart garland is a simple way to decorate for Valentine’s Day. Learn how to make paper heart garland.
Add scrapbook paper to wooden letters for a whimsical wall decoration.
TLC - How Stuff Works
Two Girls Being Crafty