Learn how to organize scrapbooking supplies and photos.
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A way to organize cardstock.
Dream Create Inspire
From paper to tools to embellishments, the opportunities for clutter are great, but not to worry...as there are just many ways to organize your space as there are scrapbook supplies. Learn how.
Creative Scrapbook Layouts
Try this easy DIY to create a well-organized area for wrapping and scrapbook paper.
Lovely Indeed
Here is a way to take all your memory stuff – photos, movie tickets, locks of hair, newspaper clippings, etc and organize them all without any cutting or gluing or embellishing.
Confessions of an Over Worked Mom
In this post, you will learn ways to organize scrapbook paper (and scraps).
Aubree Originals
In this post, Crafting Cheerfully shows you the ways to organize all different types and size of paper including scrapbook paper of all sizes, chipboard and even oversized poster board!
Crafting Cheerfully
This shows you how to organize scrapbook papers first by season, then by holiday, a few random categories, and finally, by color.
The Creative Cubby
Here are some of the best 12×12 scrapbook paper storage ideas, products and tips. They work for those of you just starting with paper crafting and those of you who have a large collection of scrapbook craft supplies.
Organized 31