How many beads do you need for your projects? Here you will find links to sites which have very useful beadwork charts and calculators.
When and why would you need bead calculators? Making jewelry? Embellishing fabric? Making art with beads? Are you trying to figure out strand length? Maybe you’re converting measurements from standard to metric. How will you know how many beads you need in a project?
Since you are on this page, you are most likely already planning a project with beads. Let’s learn a little bit about beadwork before we dive into calculators.
As you know, beadwork is very popular today, and beads are used in jewelry making, embroidery, and anywhere else you’d like to show some bling.
It’s Ancient History
Actually, beadwork has been popular for a very long time. In fact, it can be traced by archeologists back to the time of modern humans.
In ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt glass beads were used in decoration. The people of these ancient times strung beads for jewelry, stitched them on fabric, made threaded lengths of beads and then sewed them on fabric, and even wove them into the actual fabric itself.
Then and now
Think about what they all had in common. These early artisans had to work their math minds in difficult ways to determine the number of beads for their various projects.
Luckily, you don’t need to fill your head with numbers and conversions and wrack your brain to do what they did, because we have gathered up some great bead calculators that will do the heavy lifting for you!
With our calculators, you can convert from US standard to metric measurements to find bead size, strand length, and the number of beads needed.
There are calculators to quickly determine how many beads you will need for practically any beading project you’re working on.
These useful calculators will help you when making jewelry or adding beaded decoration to any project you’re working on.
Check it Out!!
So if you’re ready, check out the links below to make planning your next beadwork project fun and simple!
You might also be interested in our cross stitch calculators!
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Use this calculator to figure out how many beads and how much string you will need to complete your project.
Bead Bee
If you plan some beadwork project, you will need to know how many beads you should use. You can calculate the number of beads using this calculator.
Chart of bead size and number in various lengths.
Fire Mountain Gems
How much do I need for a vase or bowl? These calculators will help.
Soil Moist
A chart that lists individual bead size (in millimeters), strand lengths (in inches), and the approximate number of beads that will fit on the strand.
These charts and illustrations offer at-a-glance information from accurately identifying the number of beads available on each strand to how many beads it will take to create necklaces of varying lengths.
Fire Mountain Gems
How many 6mm pony beads are needed to make a bracelet? Use this calculator.
Pony Bead Store
Calculate how many kilos you need to purchase based on the specific seed bead size and number of beads you need.
Harman Beads
How many pieces or grams of seed beads are in a hank? Simply use this handy calculator to find out.