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Fun afghans and blankets to knit.
Learn how to arm knit with these books which also include projects.
Knitting books for baby and children projects.
Knitted fashions for men and women.
Dolls, doll clothes and toys to knit.
Knitted embellishments and enhancements.
Books on the Enrelac knitting technique.
Books and patterns to teach you how to do Fair Isle Knitting (Stranded Knitting).
How-to books on felting knits.
Books with finger knitting projects.
All types of knitting books.
Winter knitted accessories - hats, mittens, ponchos and more.
Fun knitted projects with holiday themes.
Knitted project for every room on a home!
Books which will help you learn how to knit.
Knitting projects for your pet.
Lots of books for knitting - patterns and designs.
Tutorials books for learning knitting stitches and patterns.
Find books on how to knook and leaflets with patterns to knook.
Lace patterns and projects that are knitted.
Books for machine knitting.
Projects using one or two skeins of yarn.
Great purses and totes to knit.
Books with quick, easy projects.
General reference knitting books.
Creative knit projects with scrap yarn.
Pattern and projects books on socks and slippers.
Knitting tutorial, how-to books.
Learn how to create your own beautiful yarns for your projects.