Chris made this beautiful table runner for her Mom, Annette. Watch the video to learn more about this table runner and how to make it.![Daisy Table Runner]()
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![Daisy Table Runner]()
This is a machine embroidery pattern which includes two panels. One panel is the daisy and the other is the end block. For the table runner displayed she embroidered 4 daisy panels. Then two side border panels. The panels are then sewn together with your sewing machine. A backing is then added.
![Daisy Table Runner]()
All of Sweet Pea's projects come with a PDF filled with photos and instructions on how to complete the project. So, don't be afraid to try!
![Daisy Table Runner]()
Look below for a link to Sweet Pea Machine Embroidery web site and this pattern.
If you have never tried Machine Applique embroidery, click the link for our video and photo tutorial.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Some other machine embroidered table runner ideas are below.
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