Disclosure: Needlepointers.com was gifted the StableCut™ Dispensers from DIME, Designs in Machine Embroidery. This post also contains affiliate links and we will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on these links.
Do you need a way to organize your different stabilizers? Or a holiday gift for a machine embroiderer?
Look no further than this StableCut™ Dispenser by Dime. This dispenser can be used for any brand 12” or shorter rolls of stabilizer or fusible interfacings.
It includes an easy-to-use slide cutter on the top that makes cutting off a length of stabilizer quick and easy.
![StableCut Dispenser - fb]()
Learn more about StableCut™ Dispensers by watching our video or keep reading this post.
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Statement for more information.
About the StableCut™ Dispensers
The StableCut™ Dispenser box is made of thick durable cardboard and has a clean decorative finish.![StableCut Dispenser Inside Box Bottom Show Top_150]()
The box and slot in the top of the box are sized for rolls of stabilizer up to 12" long. The inside of the box is a plain white colored cardboard.![StableCut Dispenser Inside of empty box_150]()
I’ve placed my most used stabilizers in the boxes, DIME Sew ‘n Wash and Medium Tear Away. ![StableCut Dispenser Show Roll Of Stabilizer_150]()
The end of the stabilizer is fed through the slot in the box lid.![StableCut Dispenser Stabilier through slot_150]()
Place the top on the box and the stabilizer is ready to be used.
Easy Slide Cutter
A slide cutter is included in the package inside the box. The back of the slide cutter has sticky tape attached to it. Peel off the cover of the sticky tape and carefully place the slide cover in the spot indicated on the dispenser cover.![StableCut Dispenser Stabilizer Ready To Cut_150]()
To cut a piece of stabilizer, pull out the amount you need and slide the cutter across for a quick and clean cut.
![StableCut Dispenser Cutting Stabilizer_150]()
No more hassling with a rotary cutter, scissors and ruler!![StableCut Dispenser Show Cut_150]()
Labeling the StableCut™ Dispensers
You may notice that my boxes have writing on top to identify the stabilizer in the box. I cut this writing from the stabilizer packaging and taped it to the top of the box. This lets me know which stabilizer is in each box.
![StableCut Dispenser Labels Closeup_150]()
If you would like to purchase a StableCut™ Dispenser by Dime, please click the link to go to their website. Needlepointers.com makes a small commission on every purchase from the DIME store. We appreciate any purchases made through our links as this helps us to be able to keep making the free tutorial videos! Thank you!
![StableCut Dispenser Two Boxes_150]()
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Some other DIME products you may be interested in are:
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