Stenciling is a folk art form of wall decorating. stenciling department is your online stencil resource center with lots of information on how to stencil, stencil tutorials, stencil videos, stenciling terms, helpful hints and more.
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Stenciling is the process of repeating a design over and over or adding a pattern to walls, furniture, floors and other projects with a stencil and paint medium. Before beginning to stencil, it is important to learn the basics. Browse the following sites for. . .(more)
These stenciling site are stencil how-tos.
After familiarizing yourself with and practicing the basics, do you want to learn more stenciling ideas and techniques. Here is the place!
Want to learn how to stencil on fabric? These links can help you.
Find the perfect free printable letter stencils along with other stencil designs such as sports, nature, hobbies, and more. Stencil Projects - free stencil projects for home, apparel and more.
Learn how to make stencils with a Cricut machine or DYI without any gadgets. Stenciling has become popular and this page will show tips and tricks along with tutorials on stenciling.
Learn about stenciling paints and how to use them.
Free stenciling patterns to print or download.
Pamphlets and guides on stenciling.
Helpful stenciling tips and hints....